
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Review: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

City of Lost Souls is coming out on monday. Still cannot believe my book arrived today. I am loving bookdepo! Pre-ordered it many months ago; and it got shipped on May 1st. Only took three days. Was so happy was I opened it today :) It was the best thing to get in the mail. <3 I re-read and reviewed the first four books in this series just a couple of weeks ago. So glad I did that. And omg. This book is epic.

I cannot decide how I feel about this book. On the one hand, it is simply amazing. Just as good as the previous ones. But it is also so heartbreaking. The ending is a killer. But it is also a part good ending. But still, it is left so open and broken. And I need the next book. Like, really need it. I need things to be okay between all the characters. I need it more than anything. Okay. Time to talk about the book ;)

But first. A tiny warning! You should not read my review if you have not read the first four books and if you have not read the summary for this book. It is a must that you read that before reading my review. Because, well, I need to talk about something :D Starting with the characters, though.

City of Lost Souls starts two weeks after City of Fallen Angels ended. They are all looking for Jace. And it is sort of heartbreaking. Just so sad. Clary is broken, as is Jocelyn. The others are as well, but they also have issues on their own. Don't really wish to give away the plot, but, I must say that Clary is with Jace and Sebastian/Jonathan a lot in this book. Most of the book, actually.

And it is all sort of horrible. It is horrible because Jace isn't the same. But it is also good, because Jace is there. But he is different. I probably could have learned to love him; but Clary don't seem like she could. But then. I love Jace. He is normal sometime, and he isn't happy. And omg. It is just so sad. But I also loved it; because it was so interesting to read about and so much was happening.

I don't want to say more about the plot. It is there, and the plot is amazing. And so much happens at all times. With every character. Sebastian is an evil person. At least, I think that he is. Doubt I could ever like him after what he did to Max. But I also sort of understand some parts of him, somehow. Still, though. He is cruel and mean. And I hate what he has done to Jace.

Still, Sebastian is an amazing character. He is awesome to read about, and I loved that he was in this book. Well, except when he was interrupting. Hih :) Then there is all the other characters. Like Clary. I liked her more in this book than in the previous ones. She is an amazing character. I think she loves Jace. Still a bit unsure about her. But I'm coming around ;) She does some stupid things; especially near the end. Really hated that. But even so. I loved her.

Then there is Jace. And omg. Even though Jace is a bit different in this book, I still loved him more than anything. He is still such an amazing character. It isn't possible not to love him. He is kind, and sweet, and funny and just everything. I need more Jace. He really is the thing I love most in this series :)

Then there is all the other characters. Like Simon. We learn more interesting things about Simon in this book. And I did like that. It was all sorts of awesome. Then there is Isabelle. And I adore Isabelle. She and Simon is so good together. And she is just too awesome. So kind and cute but also strong and broken at the same time. It is difficult to explain her.

Then there is Maia and Jordan. A bit unsure how to feel about them. I do like them as characters; and they fit together really well. There are a lot of intimate details about them in this book ;p Unsure how to feel though; because I sort of thought that they didn't have to be in the book.. Might be just my opinion, thoguh :) There isn't much of Luke in this. Sort of liked that (A) Still like him, though :)

Then there is my favorite people. Magnus and Alec. I love them. Well, they are my favorite after Jace :) They are just too sweet together. But omg. There is so much heartbreak. I hated most of the things that Alec did in this book. He really blew it so many times. I don't get why he doesn't trust Magnus. Magnus is so adroable and kind and just perfect. I love him. Also mostly love Alec :)

I was a bit worried while waiting for this book; because of the ending of City of Fallen Angels. But I was not left disappointed. City of Lost Souls blew me away. It is a stunning book. There is lots of action, and romance and so many amazing things. There is always happening something. And I loved it all. For the most part ;) Some travel a lot in this book. Also really liked that.

Don't know what else to say about this book. It is amazing. A must read if you have read all the other books. And this series is a must read if you still haven't read it. Be aware, though. The ending of City of Lost Souls is a killer. Well, it is good and sweet for some characters. But so damn heartbreaking for others. And it killed me. It is left so open; and I need to know what will happen next.

Dying to read City of Heavenly Fire. I need it. Also; totally get the name after reading the last 30+ pages of CoLS ;) You will too, I suppose. It is awesome. Cannot wait. Also; the covers of these books? They are all perfect. Loving this cover the most though :) Can't wait to see the next one! Thank you Cassandra Clare, for writing this amazing series. I love it so much. 


  1. I need to get caught up on this series. I have only read the first two books and I just wasn't in love with them so I've been dragging my feet on reading City of Glass. I do enjoy the story but not to the point where it is killing me to keep reading. Hopefully I will fall in love with the series as I keep reading.

    So glad you loved this one and that it was what you were hoping for. Just think now you only have to wait a full year before the next one lol

    1. You really should do that :) I liked City of Glass the most when it comes to these books. Well, after the first 180 pages ;) Hope you'll like them :)
      Thank you. <3 :D Yeah. Hoping it will be only a year :) It says March 2014 someplace o.O

  2. Hi Carina,how are you?
    - I've been a fan of this series from the beginning too! Glad it was good!I can't wait for my copy.
    Have a good weekend!
    I'm following your blog.
    Mariana - World of Tori Vega.

    1. Hi :D I'm just fine, thank you :)
      I love this series. <3 It is just so amazing. Hope you'll love City of Lost Souls as well :) Have a great weekend ;) Thank you. <3

  3. WOW! you're so lucky getting CoLS soones. I'M SOOOOO JEALOUS! ><;;; Mine's status at BD is still 'awating publication', already dying to read it.
    The story sounds a bit depressing but glad you could enjoy it, and I hope I'd too =D
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hih, I'm so happy it arrived :D Well, I did pre-order my copy in late August 2011 :) I didn't find it very depressing, to be honest :D It is just so good. Hope you'll love it as well :) Thank you. <3

  4. I did try to read the first part of this series, but I didn´t like it so much.. Maybe this one is better- should I give it a try? Or do you think it is just not the right series for me in generel when I didn´t like the first book?

    (I am so sad that my did not send me my pre-order for Insurgent yet! Unbelievable! I try to get Insurgent in the bookstore on Monday)

    1. It is awesome. BUT you should NOT read this book if you have not read the others. It is a series; and in a series you must always read the first books first :) Hope you'll like it if you give it another chance ;)

  5. I finished CoLS just this morning after staying up all night reading it...AMAZING. I didn't know where Cassandra Clare was going to take the plot. but I loved the intensity and gut wrenching drama. Clary, Jocelyn, and Alec did annoy me with their selfish decisions but it's okay because I love them anyway:p Now we just have to wait another year for CoHF:(

    1. Yay! Glad you loved it :) I have always found Clary selfish :p But, yeah. Didn't like what Alec did :\ At all. But I did love the book :) Cannot wait for the last one :D

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  7. This book was amazing,wonderful,and fantastic. I would recommend this book to my friend Athena Sutherland because she loves these books as much as I do. And to my other friends please read these books because they are awesome.
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