
Saturday, May 5, 2012

In My Mailbox #30

This was an awesome mailbox week. So awesome. Bitterblue, Insurgent and City of Lost Souls. <3 Read Insurgent on my iPad; because the hardcover/paperbacks didn't arrive until today :) And read Bitterblue in April. And City of Lost Souls yesterday. <3 Must reads. I also turned 19 on Thursday; and that was awesome :D Thank you all for the comments. <3 So, yeah. I have had a good week :)
What did you get this week?

Bitterblue UK Hardcover This is a huge book. Like huge. But oh, still loving it ;)
Struck I read this book a few months ago. Liked it a bit :) And this paperback is gorgeous.
Finnikin of the Rock Wasn't pleased with the first paperback; so got another one :D Love.
The False Prince This sounds like an amazing book. And I love Fantasy books :D Can't wait.
Shine Really excited to read this series! Did some peeking ;) Even more excited now.
Eona Couldn't wait for this to arrive; so read it on my iPad (A) But loving the paperback :)
Slated This does seem like an amazing book. A bit unsure now though. But gorgeous cover :)

City of Lost Souls Ohh, I am so pleased this one arrived. <3 LOVED it. And the book is so pretty :)
City of Lost Souls UK Paperback LOVES IT! Such a pretty paperback. With something extra in back :D
Insurgent Love love love. <3 The cover is so pretty. But not pleased with some parts of it :\
Bitterblue So pretty hardcopy. Cannot wait to re-read this book :) And look at the pretty pictures!
Until I Die Still unsure if I'll read this series. But now at least I have both books :D Pretty cover :)
The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom This seems like an awesome book. Loving the cover :)
Sweet Evil Pretty cover. It seems like a great book; I hope :) Can't wait to read it.
Insurgent UK Paperbacks Loving these. Such pretty paperbacks :) I just needed two of them (A)
Obsidian Everyone seems to love this book. Hoping I will; but unsure :) We'll see, though ;)
Tim Burton Playing Cards Loving these! Such awesome playing cards. Bought them on sale :)
Also got a copy of Seraphina by Rachel Hartman via NetGalley. Cannot wait to read it!
Also got a copy of Glitch by Heather Anastasiu via NetGalley :) So excited to read it!

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Also! Did you all enter my international giveaway? :D You can choose one YA paperback.
Lots of amazing books to choose from. <3 Ends May 11th. Two winners. Enter HERE. Do it!


  1. You've had one heck of a week! Happy belated birthday! 3 copies of Insurgent, 2 copies of City of Lost Souls and 2 of Bitterblue?! AWESOME! Hope you'll drop by and check out what I got this week :)

  2. Happy belated birthday, my dear, and WOW! for so many awesome books. I'm desperate for my copies of SWEET EVIL, INSURGENT and CITY OF LOST SOULS to arrive, so I'm a bit jealous seeing them in your bunch of books. :D Happy reading! :)

  3. I'm borrowing a copy of Insurgent soon so I cannot wait to read it! Awesome books this week. Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  4. Nice books this week Carina... your Insurgent copy, the green one with the tree, is that a hardback? I really want that copy in the large paperback so it matches my original Divergent.

    1. Thank you :D It is the hardback, yes. I really want the International Paperback, though :) But, well, can't find it anywhere online :\

    2. I know it. it's so annoting isn't it?! Maybe the one I want will be out in a couple of months :-(

      Have you seen this copy of Finnikin?

    3. It really is :( Unfair, too. Because I'm guessing it's in stores in the US somewhere. Hoping it will show up soon; but sort of doubting it :p
      Ohh! No, I have not seen that one :D I have the hardcover, and now the paperback. But that one is even better :D Thank you. <3

    4. Psst, the Finnikin of the Rock paperback you sent me to is the same one I have bought :) it is the same cover; because the ISBN is the same :p

  5. I forgot to say, I know you enjoy fantasy, have you read the Obernewtyn Chronicles? Amazing books!!! :-)

    1. Oh, no, haven't read those books :D Will have to check them out ;) thank you :)

  6. Great haul Carina! I love how you buy all the different editions of a book. ;) The cover of Shine is so pretty. I wasn't sure about it first because of the yellow, but it looks so much better in real life. Hope you enjoy reading any of these you haven't read yet! :)

    1. Hih, yeah, I love buying so many different copies (A) My mother would not agree, though.. She wishes I would stop buying books. Probably shouldn't tell her about all the same copies :D lol :) I agree about the cover of Shine. It really is pretty :)

  7. Fantastic haul, Carina! You received so many amazing books this week! Slated! Bitterblue! Sweet Evil! Until I Die! And it's amazing that you buy different editions of some books - if I were an author, I know I'd love you! xD

    Happy reading, and happy belated birthday! I hope you had amazing day on your birthday! :)

    Here is my haul this week. :)

  8. I've been hearing such great things about Struck! I need to get it. You got lots of great books this week. I hope you love them all.

  9. Do you think there's going to be another book after Bitterblue? :D

    Anyway, here's my IMM:

  10. Oh my goodness, so many books!

    Enjoy all your reads!

  11. Girl, you're definitely in the running to become an honorary member of The Book Hoarders Movement! Lol. I'm glad I'm not the only nutty who buys multiple copies of books! <3

  12. Awesome IMM! I'm dying to get my hands on Until I Die. :)

  13. Okay so I can't find a copy of Insurgent anywhere near me and you have two... so how's that fair? *evil eyes* lol. Just kidding. I'm really dying of jealousy here! ^_^

    Beautiful haul! Happy reading.

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  14. Wow! You have no idea how jealous I am because of your books. 2 copies of bitterblue and city of lost souls and 3 freaking copies of Insurgent! I want those books but it is not yet available in our local bookstore here. Can i have one! Lol
    Awesome books this week! ;-)

    My haul:

  15. Sweet Evil and Obsidian is absolutely fantastic! I hope you enjoy them =)

    Here is mine IMM

  16. Awesome week Carina. I'm still waiting on my copy of City of Lost Souls - I hope the Book Depo hurries up! Donna xoxox

  17. WOW!!!!! I'm so green with envy. OMGGGG!!!! Eona and Obsidian are simply smashing. City of Lost Souls and Until I Die. I WANTTTT!!!!
    My heart is bleeding for your books.

    Happy Reading.

    My IMM


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