
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Review: City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

I was very nervous about re-reading this book. You see, I did adore City of Bones. And although City of Ashes has the best plot, in my opinion, it has the worst acting of the characters. Clary did so many things that I hated, and, yeah. I was just very hard for me to read about. But even so. This book is still one of my favorites. It is just as unique and well written and amazing as the others.

The writing in this book is just as perfect as the first book was. I really enjoy the writing. And I loved that we got to read this book from many different POVs. From Clary, mostly. And Jace, Simon, Maia and Valentine in the beginning. I loved reading from each different person. Well, mostly from Jace's POV :) He is still the person I love the most. And he will always be that.

The plot in this book is really amazing as well. There is so much happening all the time, and I loved it all. Well, mostly. The book starts out quite horrible, really. Jace is sort of betrayed, and feeling all alone and really hurt. And I am wanting to kill someone because of it. I don't think it's fair; hurting Jace. He is too precious to hurt. But oh. He is hurt so much in this book; and it is killing me.

In the beginning he is hurt by Maryse; the mother of Alec and Isabelle. But also Jace's mother for seven years. And I could have liked her. But oh. She is just so mean in the beginning. I might get it at the end, but I still don't find it okay. Alec and Isabelle has another brother; Max. He is only 9 but he is so adorable. Liked him a lot :)

The worst part of the beginning in this book though, is how cruel Clary is acting. I could blame it on her age or whatever. But I'm not going to. I feel that she is responsible, and I'm not happy about it at all. You see, Clary is a great character. Most of the time. But she doesn't care about Jace's feelings at all. And I hate her for it. She doesn't seem to care much about Simon, either, in that way.

So she is hurting them both. You see, she starts having an relationship with Simon. It isn't very big, but it happens, what, 2 or 3 days after she was in love with Jace? It is cruel. And she doesn't seem to give a damn about how Jace feels about it. And that is why I wasn't too happy with this book. Because Clary is like that in ALL the book. She doesn't care. And it kills me. Because I do. Very much.

Although I do think she loves Jace. But she isn't showing it, and I can understand why. Somehow. Because of the way things are. But even so. She should not have hurt Jace so much. There is a lot of new characters in this book. Like Maia. And I liked her; she is sort of awesome. A great character, at least :) Then there is Luke. And I liked him a bit better in this book. I think.

Then there is Valentine. He is the bad guy in this series. And oh. He is really creepy! I don't like him. But he makes the perfect story. He does really bad things, but he also have a reason for doing so. I may not agree with him, but I do see why he is the way he is. Evil. Then there is all the new demons in this book. And they are all horrible! Like Agramon. *Shudders.*

The story in this book is never ending. And I adored it so much. Also adored Magnus so so much. He is in this book a lot; and I do feel like Alec is using him. But it isn't like that; later on :) Magnus is just too awesome. Anyway, back to the plot. I don't want to spoil it; because it is just too damn good. There is so much happening, and it is so interesting as well.

Like in the beginning; in the Silent City with the Silent Brothers. They are really creepy. But in the cell at that part, it was just so horrible. But I still loved it so much. Then there was the time they are in the Seelie Court. I loved loved loved that. The kiss there is just swoon-worthy. But it is also so damn sad. But still, amazing. Then there is that vampire part. I was happy about it; but also un-happy about it. But, it is really awesome to read about :D

I hated everything about the Inquisitor. Imogen, her name was. I might have liked her at the end; but at first she is so horrible and cruel. And I hated what she did to Jace. Anyway! I think I have talked about the plot enough now :D Just wanted you to know how amazing these books are. Even with all the things I didn't like :p But the story is unique, and exciting, and so damn good.

If you have not read The Mortal Instruments yet, you really need to. You must start at City of Bones :) And if you have read it, you really need to read this sequel asap. It is worth it. For the most part :D I'm not looking forward to re-reading City of Glass. It is my favorite; but I hate the first 200 pages :\ Oh well. I am still going to re-read it :D Excited to, in a way.

I also wanted to share my tattoo with you guys. I have always wanted to get a tattoo. But I have been unsure about what tattoo to get. Then I turned 18 last year. And I got to thinking about what tattoo I should get. Then I remembered the Fearless rune in this book. (Page 282.) And I loved how amazing it sounded; the way it made you Fearless. And I knew it was perfect for me. 

And, of course, I saw the gorgeous drawing of the Fearless rune. It is the one I love the most. And I just knew that I needed to have it. So I did. And I love it! Posting a picture below of how it looks like right now :) Also; I did blog about it in November; here. But my tattoo has changed a bit since then :) I got it in October last year. It is on my left wrist. Do you like it? 


  1. Maybe you could another tattoo taken from the Divergent Factions.. There are soooo many tattoo ideas inspired from books. I've seen some amazing tattoo's from Alice in Wonderland.

    1. Oh yes. I really want to get an Dauntless tattoo :) It looks so good.

  2. Oohh Carina...awesome tattoo! I love TMI and I'd love to try and re-read them again but I just don't have the time. Glad you did though! Great review. Donna xoxo

    1. Thank you so much :D I'm really glad I re-read them all ;) Dying for City of Lost Souls now. <3

  3. Oh wow! I'm not much of a tattoo person, but that one looks great! :)

    Nice review, Carina! I think I need to re-read the WHOLE series before the next book comes out as your review has reminded me of just how much I have forgotten! I don't think I'll be able to squeeze it in though...

    1. Hih :D Thank you ;D I just finished re-reading them all. <3 It took me less than three days :D Cannot wait for City of Lost Souls. <3

  4. Oh em gee. You have a tattoo of the fearless rune. That is so badass. LOVES IT! :)


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