
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Review: The Book of Wonders by Jasmine Richards

You should all know by now that I am a sucker for pretty book covers. And The Book of Wonders was no exception. I wanted this book the from the moment I saw the gorgeous cover. And I did buy it :D Because not just the cover made me want it. Also really loved the summary. Really like MG books; and this was awesome :)

The plot in this book is really, really good. I liked it a whole lot. And I enjoyed the writing as well. But the reason this is a four star and not a five star, is because when the characters are talking it doesn't feel real at all :\ Didn't seem so realistic most of the time.

But still. I liked the writing, and I loved the characters. And this book is a big adventure. Lots of things happening at all times. Lots of action, and so many interesting things happening. And, of course, many deaths. But they weren't that brutal; mostly. But they were bad.

The characters in this book is really great. First there is Zardi; the main character. She is a girl who just turned 13. She is kind, and fun, and all kinds of awesome, really. But she has no patience; so she did annoy me some times. She has a great family. Really liked her Nonna :) And I liked her sister as well. Even though she wasn't there much. I didn't like her father; because the way he talked did not seem realistic :p But still.

Then there is Rhidan. Zadri's best friend. And he is awesome! A bit grumpy at times, but I still loved him. Because I would have been grumpy as well. He really is an great boy. He lives with them; because he has no family. He was abandoned as a child. And he is hurting a lot because of that :\ But he is still really amazing. And a great character in this book :)

There were a lot of other characters in this book as well. But they all had so complicated names I can't remember them :D lol. But I do remember Sinbad. He was.. well.. not really good or bad. He was interesting; but I didn't really like him much :) But still. He made the story more interesting. Plus I liked many of the people in his crew :)

The plot in this book is awesome. There is lots of magic, sort of, and lots of adventure. Although it seems to me like there should be a sequel. Because the book ends in the best place, really. Right before the adventure I was waiting for in the entire book. And then it was over! So, yeah, a bit disappointed with that :) But I'm still hoping. So many things were left open.

Like the new adventure. That I really, really, really wish to read about. Plus it seemed like there could be a really sweet romance between Zardi and Rhidan. And I really want that :) So I'm hoping for a sequel sometime. <3 Don't really have much else to say about this book. It has an awesome story, and awesome characters. So you really should read it :)


  1. Love your review:) Wonderful cover:) So coulorful:)

  2. yes i love the cover
    sounds awesome
    rad review carina

    1. Thank you sweetie. <3 I just adore the cover :)

  3. I'm not much of a MG reader but this sounds like a beautiful story. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) Wonderful review, Carina.

    1. I have started to like MG books a lot lately :) Some of the first books I read was MG; The Darren Shan Saga. And I loved those books ;) This book is really great, though :) Thank you. <3

  4. Great review and I love the cover as well!

  5. Fantastic review! I love the cover too, and from what you've painted, it sounds like it's a great novel as well.

    1. Thank you :D It really is :) And the cover is just stunning. <3


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