
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Review: Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver

What made me want this book was the gorgeous cover. Then, of course, because of the author; Lauren Oliver. Even though I have only read Delirium by her, I do love her writing. And I really liked the summary of this book. Then it arrived, and the cover is even more gorgeous in person. It looks perfect. Everything I want in a gorgeous book cover :)

What I didn't expect though, was how short it was. It took me close to no time to finish this book. But I didn't mind. Because what there were, was amazing. I loved every page and every word. What I loved the most though, was the amazing pictures in the book. I sort of pictured Liesl and Will a tiny bit older, but other than that the pictures were spot on :)

The plot in this book is really good. Wasn't sure if I would like it, since the main character is 11 years old. But I have figured out lately that I kind of adore MG books. And Liesl & Po was no exception. This book describes things perfectly. I loved it all. Although so many things were so cruel. But oh. They are written so good and I couldn't help but love it.

The book is from many different POV's, sort of. And I loved that. Really liked that we got to see what everyone thought :) The story in this book is really good. I loved it all. It sort of is about magic, but not really. But even still, I liked it. I liked the magic parts, and the non-magic parts.

Then there is all the amazing characters. First there is Liesl. Who is an 11 year old girl, I believe. She is amazing. She is alone, and has been locked up for a long time. But she is still so lovely. Most of the time :) Then she sees a ghost. And oh. I loved that. And I loved the ghost. Po. And Bundle. Such amazing characters. Loved them both so much. Although Po did annoy me sometimes (A)

Then there is Will. Will is awesome. Although I felt sorry for him so many times. Couldn't help but love him, though :) He is just too cute. Then there were all the other characters. Many I didn't like, but they made the plot so good. Then there were many that I did like. Like Mo and Lefty. Really liked them :)

Liesl & Po is a magical book. So many amazing things happen in it. But also some bad things. But I didn't mind. This book made me happy, but also a bit sad. It is just really amazing.

Don't know what else to say about this book, really. I loved it so much. It was short, and I would have loved for it to be longer, but I also felt like it didn't have to be. Although I would love a sequel; sometime :D Anyway. This book is too good. You really must read it :)


  1. This is the only Lauren Oliver book I haven't read yet and I don't know why I keep putting it off! I love her writing and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it so much. :)

    1. You must read it! <3 It is amazing. And so cute. Sort of. Anyway, it is just really good and I think you'll love it :D

  2. I gotta read it. Like you, I also wanted to read this book because of the cover haha. Well, it sounds really amazing and so much fantasy =D


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