
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #11

This week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Covers

1.  The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.
I'm starting with The Scorpio Races because
I love this cover. It is so gorgeous. Everything
about it is perfect. The writing, the colors, the
font. And I just love it. Plus the book is amazing :)

2. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake.
This book cover is too pretty not to be high
up on my list. I just love it so much. I love
the way Anna is standing in the front, with
her hair in wind. It is stunning. Even the blood.

3. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin.
This cover is beyond stunning. I love it so so so much.
Love the way they are in the water, it fits with the story,
and I love that he has his arm around her. So pretty.
And this book is just so so amazingly good too :)

 4. Entwined by Heather Dixon.
This cover is so extremely pretty.
I love it so much. Even more pretty
in person :) And I love that. The book
is also extremely amazing, must read:)

5. Divergent by Veronica Roth.
This is really the most pretty cover
there is, but it is one I love the most.
This is my favorite book, and I love
how much the cover represent that.

6. Across the Universe by Beth Revis.
This cover is so damn beautiful. It shines.
And I love it so much. I love that the boy and
the girl is almost kissing. And I love the stars
in the background. Huge part of the book. <3

7. Cinder by Marissa Meyer.
I love this cover. Even though
it is only of a shoe. I love the
colors, and I just love it all.
Plus the book is amazing :)

8. The Pledge by Kimberly Derting.
This cover is stunning. And I really
really love it. It is very simple, but the
girl is really pretty, and I love the words
and the font used :) It is so amazing. <3

9. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.
I love all the book covers to Cassandra,
but City of Bones will always be my favorite.
It is so extremely pretty, I love the guy in it :D
Plus, it is the book that start an amazing series :)

10. Wither by Lauren DeStefano.
Wither has a very special cover.
Which is probably why I love it so
much. It is very unique, and extremely
pretty. I love the girl, I love the colors :)

This topic is harder than it sounds. THERE IS SO MANY GORGEOUS COVERS OUT THERE! But, I managed to make a top ten list :) Just be aware that I have tons of other favorite covers. And, these top ten are books I have already read :) What is on your list?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. I actually preferred the UK cover for The Scorpio Races - much brighter, but I think that's just me!

    I do love the Anna cover though, and Cinder, and Divergent and Wither - great topic, and good picks!

    Tara @ Hey, Tara

  2. I love all these covers! Especially Divergent, Cinder and Anna Dressed in Blood. Brilliant picks! :)

  3. Love these covers. I've been wanting to read Anna Dressed in Blood for so long, just for the cover-it's so creepy.

  4. Mara, of course! That cover is so gorgeous. I also really love Wither!
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  5. You check out the UK cover for Scorpio Races, I think it's a lot nicer and it has a lovely feel to it :-)

  6. I love the cover for the Pledge! Have you seen the cover for the second book in the series, The Essence? It's absolutely stunning as well!

  7. How you managed to narrow it down to ten, I have no idea. ;) I am a huge fan of gorgeous cover art and, sadly, nearly always fall for a book if it has a great cover. That's how half of them end up on my shelf. ;)

    Anyway, great list! I can't say I am a big fan of the Scorpio Races cover but the rest are AMAZING. :) Great choices.

    1. lol, me too :D I choose books by looking at their covers (A) I love pretty books :)
      Thank you. <3 :D

  8. Wither and Fever have such beautiful covers. I love them! It was so hard to pick only 10! New follower; feel free to check out My top 10

  9. I'm impressed you could narrow it down to ten! My favourite of your picks is Entwined.

  10. The cover of Entwined is lovely.

  11. I love them all:) beautiful:)

  12. Entwined is gorgeous!! I love it! And CoB oh yeah! I love it love it love it! I would marry him instantly!! :D :D and I like the cover of Wither too! :) Great choices Carina :) ;)


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