
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Title & Cover Reveal: The Pledge #2 by Kimberly Derting

Omg! I just found the title and cover for the sequel to the amazing book The Pledge by Kimberly Derting. I loved that book. And I cannot wait to read the sequel :D Found the title over at Simon & Schuster when I got an email update from there. Anyway, I love both. <3 Cover of The Pledge in my header :) But. There is this one thing that KILLS me. It isn't out until January 29th 2013 :'( How will I survive?
And the title and cover is...


Loves it! <3 Found it here. But! It is also in Amazon as an ebook :D
Not able to buy yet, but it is there :) Right here. Also, it so beautiful. Don't you just love both? <3

The Essence on Goodreads. The Pledge. My Review of The Pledge. Kimberly Derting.
UPDATE: Kimberly wrote a blog post about it HERE. <3


  1. WOW! That cover is gorgeous. I love the colour! It's probably a good thing for me that this book won't be out for ages - it gives me time to get the first one read. ;)

    1. Yay! It really is :D I love it so much. LOL, yeah, you really need to read it soon :D The Pledge is amazing. <3

    2. its only these two books so far right?

  2. WOW!!! Very pretty. Thanks for sharing.


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