
Saturday, March 3, 2012

In My Mailbox #21

My mailbox is smaller this week! :D Woot. Although, it does make me sad not to get much mail :p I love getting mail. Also, my shelves are finished now :D Will blog about them very soon, I think.
What did you get this week?

Hunger Games Movie Companion So pretty :D Even though I will not like the movie, I love the book. <3
Scarlet Think this seems like an awesome book, and I cannot wait to read it :D
The Butterfly Clues This has a pretty cover. And seems really interesting ;D
Born Wicked So pretty! Very excited to read this book. Think it will be awesome :)
Wither UK Paperback So gorgeous. <3 I love it! And the book is amazing :)

Pandemonium I loved Delirium, but I do not want to read this at all. Still, needed to own it :)
Birthmarked Have the hardcover of book 1 and 2, and felt like I needed this pretty paperback (A)
The Storyteller Sam has said this is a great book, and I needed it (A) Hope I'll like it :D
Divergent Paperback Yeah, this paperback is the best. GORGEOUS! With Insurgent teaser. <3
Eragon + Eldest Needed this gorgeous paperback pack! Excited to read these books :) They seem good.
Fracture T-Shirt + Swag Won this from Megan! :D So gorgeous. <3 And I love the swag as well :D
Scarlet T-Shirt + Swag Won this from A. C. Gaughen! :D Love it! And oh. So glad about the swag :)

I always seem to forget about the ebooks I get for my iPad. So now I'm including those :D The picture is of the ARCs I got via NetGalley :D But I also got tons of books from Amazon for free. But would take so long time fixing all of those pictures :p So just saying that I got lots of free ebooks as well ;) Not adding any links or description for these books, because that would take forever :p

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. You're hilarious - I love that you refuse to read Pandemonium but you still have to own a copy! :D Still, it has a gorgeous cover so I don't blame you. ;) Awesome haul, especially the NetGalley load! I can't wait to see what you think of them.

    *Faints* You ordered The Storyteller?! YAY! I'll warn you that it is heart-breaking and the romance is...well..not very romantic. It's a very moving story though and I hope you'll still appreciate it even if you hate some of the turn of events. I know I hated a few things that happened but I still can't get over how beautiful the book was. And thank god it's a stand-alone! I would refuse to read any sequel after the way it ended. :D Let me know how it goes for you!

    1. LOL :D Hih, thank you <3 Well, yeah, even though I will not read it, I do need it :D I probably need the UK hardcover too... but, well, there is no rush for it ;) even though I have no patience :p lol.

      I did, I did! :D Although I am worried about it. But, I will read it someday :D And it does seem like a great book, even though it may kill me ;)

  2. Great week Carina! You already know my thoughts on Wither and I totally agree it is amazing!! And of course Pandemonium....don't read it! Not until we have book three in our hands!!! Lol

    xx xx xx

    1. Thank you :D lol, yeah, so agree! Will not read it until I know the ending of book three ;) And maybe not even then (A) Hih ;D

  3. LOL. i always show my e-books as well from Amazon. I had a very interesting week. Come check out my mailbox as well.


  4. Woah, that's a whole lot of cool books! I hope Born Wicked is as good as it looks :D I am very jealous of the Fracture swag - I loved that book! I hope you enjoy all of your haul - I'm sure you will! :)

    Enjoy your weekend, Carina!
    Stephanie @ Stepping Out of the Page

    1. Thank you ;D Yeah, I hope so too :) I loved Fracture too :D <3 Such a good book. Enjoy your weekend too ;)

  5. You got a LOT of GREAT books ... Happy Reading!!!

  6. Awesome netgalley books this week! I have a few of these in my to-read list too. They all look so good, I never know which one to read next!I hope that you enjoy your new books!

    Ladybug Storytime

  7. I've got Born Wicked too!! And you're not gonna read Pandemonium? Lol Carina you're so funny :) :P Great mailbox :) Enjoy them all darling ;) <3

  8. Aww, you're not looking forward to The Hunger games movie? That's a shame! :( I cannot wait to get my hands on the companion!! And eeeee, I love Born Wicked, Wither and Divergent. AHHH! INSURGENT TEASER?!?! *jealous* I literally JUST finished Pandemonium and it was amazing. I NEED THE THIRD BOOK NOW NOW NOW. I am crazy excited for ALL of the Netgalley books you grabbed :O *grabby hands* DYING to read those!

    Amazing books, hope you enjoy! :)

    1. No, I'm not :\ Don't like the actors at all. None of them fit the book characters in my head :\ But, I still love all the three books :D Hih ;D Thank you. <3 :)

  9. I love all the swag it's really cool! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  10. Wow, what an awesome IMM! :) I got Divergent, The Raft and Monument 14 a few weeks ago and I'm dying to read them. I wish I had more free time to actually start them now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy all your books!

    Here's my IMM for this week
    And I also have an international giveaway going on. (:

    Happy reading!
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  11. Looks like another great book-week for you. THE STORYTELLER is the next book on my to-read list and can't wait to get into it. It sounds like a really different kind of book.
    I got a few of these NetGalley titles as well (still trying not to request too much) and really need to buy a copy of BORN WICKED, too.

    Enjoy these and have a lovely week!

  12. I love getting mail too but man, you got some awesome reads! Have a wonderful week of reading. :)
    My IMM

  13. WOW amazing books, and lots of them! I can't wait to read Starters on my Nook :D I hope you enjoy reading them all!

    Kayla @ Simply Kayla's Book Reviews

    Here is My IMM Post: Click Here

  14. Loving all the swag!! Enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  15. Great mailbox this week! I got to ask, why don't you think that you will like the Hunger Games movie?
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. Thank you :D I know I won't like it because I do not like ANY of the actors :\ None of them fit with the characters in my head. And I hate that.. But I love the books :)

  16. oh wow, look at all of those books! such fabulous reading ahead of you! and love all the bookish goodies too! those tees are super cute! hope you enjoy everything! happy reading!

  17. Hi Carina, how are you ? *-*

    Of those books you've received I read some books ! My favorite of these is Pandemonium and Wither. I really hope you enjoy reading .

    I'm following your blog. Please "like" my page on facebook. It's there on my blog.
    Have a Good Weekend!

    Mariana - World of tori Vega.

    1. Hi :D I'm good, thank you :) <3 very sick right now, though.
      Thank you so much :D And thank you for following. <3 I would love to like your facebook page, but since it isn't English, I do not want to get those updates on my facebook since I can't read it :\ Thank you though :) Have a great week :D

  18. Holy frioles! You got so much good stuff! Do you just not want to continue the Delirium series without Alex? Maybe he's not dead after all? hahaa idk. I'm kinda hoping, but at the same time I know if he's still alive it'll seem kinda unrealistic.

  19. So many good books! I've started Scarlet and I'm really enjoying it so far ;) Have a great week!

  20. Wow, great haul! I know I like Netgalley a lot because it opens up a whole new realm of reading for me :) Enjoy Divergent and Wither (I love the UK cover!)

    My IMM

  21. LOVELY IMM!!! There's some great books you got this week and YAY for SCARLET! I love that book. Enjoy all your goodies!

  22. Great set! I can't wait to read Grave Mercy and Shadow and Bone. They sound great.
    My IMM

  23. AHH! I love your IMM! So many good books I want to read, some I already have and some I haven't heard of. I have Pandemonium too and I'm afraid to read it. >.< I forget my ebooks too so every new book I get I have to write it down to remember to put it in my post. LOL! I hope you enjoy your books! Very jealous you have Of Poseidon!

    Happy reading <3 :)

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Words, pages and books

  24. What a great bunch of books! I have the Hunt also, which sounds awesome!

  25. That's a great week! Love seeing all those pretty covers!

    Here's what's in our mailboxes!


  26. Scarlet is an AY-MAZING book. Like, there are just no words that are coming to me at the moment, but it's one of my favorite books of this year. Totally Special Shelf.

    And wow, Pandemonium and The Butterfly Clues are both books I want to read soon!

    Have an amazing reading week!


  27. I don't even know where to start with your amazing books.

    I really want to read The Treachery of Beautiful Things though, so I'm totally jealous about that.

    Enjoy all your books!

    Jenny at Books to the Sky

  28. Nice haul! I will have to look these books up....
    Thank for sharing!!

  29. What... this was the SMALL imm? XD You are so funny!

    my tiny IMM

  30. Wow! Lots of really cool new reads!

    Marie @ Marie Loves Books


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