
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #16

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Eight years after Graceling, Bitterblue is now queen of Monsea. But the influence of her father, a violent psychopath with mind-altering abilities, lives on. Her advisors, who have run things since Leck died, believe in a forward-thinking plan: Pardon all who committed terrible acts under Leck’s reign, and forget anything bad ever happened. But when Bitterblue begins sneaking outside the castle—disguised and alone—to walk the streets of her own city, she starts realizing that the kingdom has been under the thirty-five-year spell of a madman, and the only way to move forward is to revisit the past. Two thieves, who only steal what has already been stolen, change her life forever. They hold a key to the truth of Leck’s reign. And one of them, with an extreme skill called a Grace that he hasn’t yet identified, holds a key to her heart.

Hardcover, 576 pages
Expected publication: May 1st 2012 by Dial
Pre-Order it here.

I am dying for this book. I just recently read Graceling; but I loved it so so so much. Extremely excited to see what happens next :) Even though this will be Bitterblue's story, Po and Katsa will still be in it :D I just need so much more of them. <3 I adored Graceling and Fire so much. I love the world the books are set in, and I can't wait to read Bitterblue. I also really love the writing. Oh, I have no patience. I don't think I'll be able to wait until May for this book.. I NEED it. Like really, really, really need it. <3
What are you waiting for?

Reminder: My international paperback giveaway of Graceling ends in 10 days. Enter here :)


  1. I know how much you want this! I hope you'll enjoy it when you get your hands on this, Carina. :D

  2. Haha, Carina that was so unexpected :D hihi just kidding :P I know how much you love this serie :) I really hope you'll get this book soon! :) ;) Awesome pick :) And I soooooo love this cover! :)

  3. I still haven't read this series but I do want to, especially because so many people love it

    The Cait Files

    1. same here
      ican sense your hunger in the force/ weird alien music lol

  4. I haven't started this series, but so many people have good things to say about it and know I should.

    My WOW
    Safari Poet

  5. I have not read this series either, but everyone is raving about it! I had never given a second glance to Graceling, it just looked too fantasy-like for me, I guess, but I'm definitely going to be checking these out soon :).

    New follower!

    Here's my Waiting on Wednesday.

  6. GAH! I'm totally excited for this one, too. CAN'T WAIT. Oh man, it's going to be good! Great pick!

    If you’d like, you can check out my WoW here.

  7. this book looks awesum! I swear if I get one (would u read it in e book?) I will send u one. I know how it feels to really want a book.
    My friend lives in Lithuania & Amazon wont deliver there or send e books there. I swear I spent 2 days hunting a place down to send it to her. I found an e book for her. She was so sweet & happy.
    *fingers crossed for you*
    New follower

    1. Oh, thank you. <3 You are amazing :D:D And no, I would not mind a ebook of it :) I have Kindle on my iPad ;p hih. And yeah. It kind of sucks to really want a book, but oh, I love that books make me feel this way. <3 Aw, that is cute :) You seem extremely kind. Thank you <3


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