
Friday, February 3, 2012

Book Recommendation: Graceling by Kristin Cashore

I hadn't heard much about this book, and I never really wanted to read it. But then I suddenly had a crazy episode which I ordered tons of new books, (lol), one of them being Graceling; because of it's pretty cover. And then a few days after it arrived, I picked it up. And from then I was hooked.

This book is beyond amazing. It is now one of my favorites. Everything about it is amazing. The writing. The story world. The characters. The romance Every single thing. It is simply a must read book for everyone.

If you haven't read this book yet, and are worried about it, or anything like that, you really must give it a try. I promise you that you won't regret it. Not even for a second.

I just finished reading Graceling for the second time. And it's not been long since I first read it. And even now, I wish to re-read it. I want more Po. I need more of Po. And more of Katsa. And more of everything. Mostly, though, I need the third book; Bitterblue.

There are ARCs of it out there, but oh, very hard to get them :\ It doesn't come out until May. And I am not sure I'll survive the wait. Hoping to get an ARC of it very soon :)

I am also sharing with you a couple of my favorite lines from this book. But they are both very close to the ending, and they include some spoilers, so read with caution :)

page 455

Reminder: My international paperback giveaway of Graceling ends in 8 days. Enter here :)
My review of Graceling. My review of Fire. My wish for Bitterblue.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Ah, those quotes make me want to re-read the book! I LOVE the first one especially. :)

    1. :D Oh yes. I want to re-read it again too (A) Even though I just finished my re-reading of it. And yes yes yes! I adore the first one. So sad. But, oh, so damn amazing. <33 :)

  2. I really must get my own copy - I think the library is getting fed up with me ordering it to reread all the time :D

    1. LOL! Oh yes, you must :) Did you enter my giveaway of it?

  3. Ahh, this makes me want to read-read, too! I loved this book to pieces. Fire is even better, in my opinion, so you should definitely read it, even though Po and Katsa aren't in it (unless you've read it already)! Great review, Carina. :)
    - Lauren

    1. You really should re-read it :D Oh, so amazing. <3 I really loved Fire, but still loved Graceling more :) But then, I can love them both the same, can't I? (A) <3
      Thank you Lauren :)

  4. Great recommendation! I'm going to have to read this one after I finish the book I'm currently reading. I just got Fire the other day so now I'm really excited for this series!

    1. Woot! :D Oh, you must read this. <3 And Fire is also so so so amazing :) I hope you will love them ;)


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