
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Review: Fever by Lauren DeStefano

I don't know how to write my review of this book. I should start by saying that I LOVED it! Fever is AMAZING! So, so good. Just as good as Wither, I think. The ending though, the ending is bad. WARNING: My review will contain spoilers from book 1; Wither. And a few BIG spoilers for Fever.

Fever starts out just where Wither ended. With Rhine and Gabriel at the shore, having just escaped the Mansion. There is only a few short pages with happiness for that, before they are taken again. This time by something much worse than the Mansion ever was.

The Carnival. Where the evil old woman rules. She controls everything. And I hated her so much. She is the owner of a whore house; to use the obvious name. She takes care of her girls, but she still sell their bodies to every man with money to pay. This was not a good place for Rhine to end up in.

With her beauty there isn't much surprise that the Madame wants her. She wants her to perform. Not getting into that, but I didn't like it, but I also kind of liked the Gabriel part. <3 Days pass, and slowly they get to see how cruel and heartless the owner is. She truly is evil.

It did surprise me some, but after only 100 pages they managed to escape her. With some.. injuries. And drugs. And then they were once again on their way to Manhattan to find Rhine's brother; Rowan. It isn't an easy trip. And they encounter more bad things on the way. But they finally arrive. Only to find him gone.

Which isn't a good thing for Rhine. She gets very depressed. But she isn't giving up hope. Well, not entirely ;) While she is battling her feelings, she starts to get really sick. Maybe even dying. Gabriel can't stop worrying about her.

Then near the end, Vaughn turns up to take her back to the Mansion. Knowing why she is sick and dying. No one sees her leave with him. But she does, because he is threatening her. And she doesn't really have a choice.

Arriving at the Mansion, though, isn't a happy thing. She arrives in the basement as Vaughn's new guinea pig. I do have an feeling as to what he will get from it, though. Rhine gets to see her sister wife again; Cecily. That isn't really a happy reunion either. But still :) I liked Cecily better in this book.

Fever ends sort of bad, but also really good. Bad part: Rhine is with Linden. Gabriel has been missing from the book for 70 pages. But. The ending still gives me hope. I think. At least, I hope so.

In this book, Rhine and Gabriel are together almost all the time. Which I loved so much. I liked Rhine a lot more in this book. She seemed so much... more. And Gabriel I still adore so extremely much. He is my favorite character. Have read so many people saying they don't think he is a good/interesting character. Saying there is no chemistry between him and Rhine. I disagree. SO MUCH!

Gabriel is extremely sweet. So kind. But also tough, and protective. He is the perfect boyfriend. And I wish I had one just like him. <3 I think Gabriel and Rhine fit together perfectly. There was too little romance in this book, for me personally, but there was love. And there were feelings. Especially near the end. Really loved that.

What I wish for more than anything, in book three, is that Rhine and Gabriel will be together. As a couple. Always. And that Rhine will find her brother :) And that a cure will be found. Which I think it will. What I don't want to happen though, it for Rhine to fall in love with Linden. I do not like Linden. He can be with Cecily. Want that (A)

This review probably hasn't made much sense.. And it has lots of spoilers for the book. But it was the only way I felt to write it. Could blame the non-sense thing on the fact that I am sick, and have been so for almost two weeks :p

Anyway, this book is AMAZING. I loved it just as much as Wither. And if you have read Wither, this book is a must read. <3 And if you haven't, you must read Wither very soon ;)

Goodreads - Buy it

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Awesome review! I keep hearing great things about this sequel. I need to get it read.

    1. Thank you :D And yes, you really must read it! <3 It is amazing :)

  2. If your feeling hopeful about the ending, I guess I shouldn't be too nervous about this book. :D I can' wait to read it. Great review!

    1. Hih, I am :D Even though the ending is sort of bad, but it isn't really THAT bad, and it could have been a lot worse :D lol :) And no, I don't think you should be nervous about this book :) It is very good. <3 Thank you :D


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