
Saturday, February 18, 2012

In My Mailbox #19

Holy, my mailbox has been HUGE this week! :D And oh. I love it. <3 But, my money do not love it :p Spent it all on books this month.. but, I blame book depo's 10% off for that (A) And anyway, I was supposed to buy all these books either way (A) So it was best to buy them all when it was sale ;D Kind of. Book depo is still extremely expensive for me since I live in Norway :p But still :)
What did you get this week?

Since my mailbox was so big this week, I do not have the energy to link to every book that I got like I usually do. It would take me hours :p So I'm just going to say that most of these I have not read, but some of them I have bought because I loved them, or because I wanted more copies of them :D
Feel like I should mention though, that I got the ARC of ARISE BY TARA HUDSON that I won from Tara :D I loved Hereafter, and am so excited about reading this book. <3 Thank you, Tara :D
Also got the UK paperback of Fever; and I am starting that one right now :)

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. I am so jealous you have Arise! I can't wait to see what you think of it. :D Awesome mailbox as always. I love the cover of that edition of Delirium. Have you read that book yet? It's AWESOME! :)

  2. The Future of Us and The Summoning are both really really good. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  3. Wow, that's one pretty bunch of many many amazing books. Dying to read so many of these (ARISE!!! sooo jealous!) and this posts makes me wish I could buy more books. :D

    Hope you enjoy all of them. :)

    Fictional Distraction

  4. The Hunger Games and Divergent were AWESOME! That's a lot of books this week! I had a pretty big week too. Happy reading :)

  5. I am seriously LOVING your IMM this week! Look at all those awesome reads! Enjoy everyone one of these books. They're fabulous, esp. Shatter Me and Graceling!

  6. OMG! Look at that! What a fantastic IMM! This is so awesome. I hope you would enjoy your books.


    The is my IMM

  7. chicka chicka omg huge
    njoyyyyyyyyyyyy all

  8. OMG so many books!!!! WOW!

    I don't even know where to begin! lol.. there are so many I want to read and have yet to get to! :)

    Happy reading!!

    Michele | IMM

  9. What a large haul this week with some seriously amazing books! I wouldn't even know where to start reading. Under the Never Sky was so good, I hope you enjoy it. I also really liked the Summoning. And I'm pretty much dying to read everything else in your pile :))
    You can check out my IMM if you want. Happy Reading :)

    Krista - Nawanda Files

  10. WOAH! Huge IMM this week! Some really great titles in there! Enjoy!

    Our IMM!

  11. OMG, this is insane!! I think I would have a fit if I got all these books in just one week. Awesomeness personified! XD
    Hope you love them all, Carina! <3

  12. WOW!!!! You weren't joking when you said your IMM was huge! Lol. Lots of great books in there! I'm currently reading Fever. I also got Graffiti Moon this week! Enjoy all your books!!! :)

    My IMM:

    -Brittani :)

  13. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Carina great mailbox!! I see you already finished Fever :P :P Enjoy all your great books! :)

  14. Wow! Looks like you got a ton of amazing books this week! I've only read The Hunger Games and Graceling; the rest are on my TBR list! Check out my IMM here

  15. OMG, what an awesome mailbox... very jealous of all those beauties that you added to the shelves this week!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading,
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  16. Amazing IMM! I got Under the Never Sky & Wither as well, can't wait to start them! Really wanting to get Night Circus, enjoy all your books!

    My IMM:



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