
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #6

This week's topic is Top Ten Authors I Wish Would Write Another Book

1. Maggie Stiefvater. Wish she would write a sequel to The Scorpio Races :)
2. Myra McEntire. Wish she would write another book from Emerson's POV.
3. Jo Treggiari. Wish she would write a sequel to Ashes, Ashes :)
4. Brenna Yovanoff. Wish she would write a sequel to The Space Between :)
5. Cat Patrick. Wish she would write a sequel to Forgotten :)
6. Claudia Gray. Wish she would write a sequel to Fateful :)
7. Victoria Scwhab. Wish she would write a sequel to The Near Witch :)
8. J. Gabriel Gates. Wish he would write a sequel to The Sleepwalkers :)
9. Randy Russell. Wish he would write a sequel to Dead Rules :)
10. Stephenie Meyer. Just wish she would finish Midnight Sun already.

Oh, this was a very hard topic. Haven't read many stand alones (A) But I have read a few :D So listing those ;) Although not all are debut authors. Most have written other books :) These are authors I wish would write sequels to a book they have published that I liked/loved.
What authors are on your list?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. I would love to read a sequel to The Near Witch!!

    Great list this week and happy reading!

  2. Lots of new to me authors here - although I would love to read more from Stiefvater too.

  3. Definitely Stephenie Meyer! I would love to have something new from her.
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  4. Carina, great list!! And I totally agree about Midnight sun!! She should really finish it already! :P :)

  5. I'm with you on Midnight Sun! Just get to it already! We've already read half of it, just give us the other half. Also, how convenient that it was cut off right before their first kiss. Am I right? or Am I right? I'd love a new series from her though. Something YA romantic. Nothing with aliens.


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