
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Review: Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

I'm not sure how to describe this book. It didn't start well for me, for the first 120+ pages I had trouble concentrating; found the writing to not be so good even though the story was great. But then things started changing, everything got so much more exciting and I didn't see any flaws in the writing anymore.

I just could not stop reading after that point. And I am so so glad I got this book, and that I didn't stop when I felt things were hard to get past. It was all worth it.

I loved the story in this book. I loved everything about how the earth was, and how the people were. I loved the Aether. Even though it was creepy and scary, I found it to also be amazing. Didn't really like the Smarteyes, but it would've been awesome to have one ;)

I really liked Aria. Wasn't sure about her at first, but she is awesome! :) I loved Perry. Didn't really like the way/place where he lived, but I do suppose it was the only way ;p Perry was a very strong and kind and loving person. And oh, I just adore him. Loved the way he loved his nephew. And I hope we get more of that in the next book :)

The book had so much stuff happening at all times, and I loved it all. Well, except for some parts with Roar. I kind of really hate it when the girl laughs and talks with another guy than the love interest :p But then, that may just be me ;p I did like Roar. Sort of. Mostly. I loved Cinder :D And I hope he has a bigger part in the next book.

I don't want to say too much, because I want you to experience it yourself. This is an amazing book.

There is this one thing I hated though, the end. Well, I mostly loved the ending, the last few sentences, but I hated that months had pasted. I really hate it when time moves :p But other than that, I loved it :D This is a book worth reading, and I cannot wait for the next one :) 

Goodreads - Buy it

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I know what you mean about the ending. The time passing totally caught me off guard. Glad you liked this book as much as I did :)

  2. In contrast, Perry is a character hardened by real-world loss and struggle. His parents are dead, his nephew is dying, and his tribe is starving. Saving Aria's life costs him a lot when his nephew is kidnapped by the Dwellers and Perry is estranged from the tribe as a result. His hardened exterior hides a good heart though, as evidenced from the very beginning when he saves Aria from the fires in Age 6. He tends to run hot and cold with Aria--a result of the ongoing battle between his head and his heart.


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