
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Review: Graceling by Kristin Cashore

I have so many emotions right now. Love. Sadness. Happiness. I am mosly happy. I LOVED this book :) And oh, I want more. So, so much more. Can't wait to read Fire and Bitterblue :) Although I wish more of Katsa and Po the most. Loved them.

I loved the plot in this book. I loved the 'gifts' people have, and everything about them. I loved the way the book started, found it to be amazing. I loved that the book was from Katsa's POV, all the way through, and I loved the writing. Such good writing.

Katsa was amazing. So brave, kind, loving and strong. Although she may not seem so to others, or at all in the beginning. But she is. She really is. I hated Randa. So extremely much. Kind of happy with how that ended. I also never liked Giddon. Glad he wasn't much in the book :)

But oh, I kind of loved Raffin. He was adorable :) And so kind. Also liked many of the other characters, but don't want to list them all (A) Hih.

I loved Po the most. As I tend to do. He was so handsome, and kind, and strong, and just everything. He may have lied a bit in the beginning, but I so understood that. Po is an amazing character. And oh, I just want so much more about him. <3

I liked the Seven Kingdoms. Even though most of them were screwed up. I just liked the way everything was. Loved all the travelling they did, and I never found the book to be boring.

And oh, the romance. There were romance. First there was friendship, and I loved the friendship, but I loved the romance more. <3 Although there wasn't really much romance. But I loved what there was of it. <3 So amazing.

And now I am going to share some SPOILERY thoughts. So if you have NOT read the book, then you really should not read what I write next :) You should just buy the book and read it. <3 A MUST read.

I kind of really loved it when they found Bitterblue. She was adorable. But also kind of felt like she was in the way (A) A tiny bit. But I didn't mind so much. But oh. I HATED it when Po got injured, and then they left him. That was so damn sad.

And then so so so so so much time passed :( I hate it when time passes. Especially when we don't even know if Po is alright or alive. But then again, I understand why so much time had to pass. Considering it kind of does take forever to travel :p Still don't like it though.

And when they finally went back to Po, he was so.. hurt. And unhappy. I hated it. I love Po so much, and damn, that hurt. I hated that he lost his sight. But because of his Grace, I could forgive it. But oh, it must have been so hard for him to be all alone as well as blind :( Damn. I am just way too sad :p Although, the book did end happy.

But I just wish there was more. I need more Po. And more Katsa. But I only want them together :p Anyway, this is a must read book :) So amazingly good. So glad that I read it. <3

Goodreads - Buy it

UPDATE: Did you enter my international giveaway of a paperback of Graceling by Kristin Cashore? <3 It ends 2/12.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I haven't read Graceling, but I do hear about it on so manyh blogs, definitely something I'll have to get to :-)

  2. This book was definitely so amazingly good ;)

    Lovely review! I bet you're excited for Bitterblue to release this May, too :)

  3. I found your blog via my friends blog, I'm out making new book blogger friends since I just started my blog today. I haven't read Graceling yet but I do have it on my bookcase to be read. Your review has moved it up to next in my "que."

    1. Oh, thank you :D <3 Psst; did you see my giveaway for a paperback copy of it? :)


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