
Saturday, January 21, 2012

In My Mailbox #15

Gots lots of awesome stuff this week! :D I thought I went crazy ordering so many books last week, but oh, this week I ordered even more :p Those are coming soon, I think ;) But oh, I got lots of awesome books this week :D And I am so happy with them all. <3 Well, except for a few damaged ones.
What did you get this week?

Bloodrose Well, I got this because I have the first two. Not sure if I'm gonna read them afterall :p
Cinder Got a second copy. <3 Loved this book so so much. So I needed at least two :)
Beautiful Creatures I won this, because I think it will be awesome :D Excited to read it :)
Forgotten I loved this book, and wanted a pretty paperback, but it is very damaged :( So sad.
Graceling I LOVED THIS BOOK! So amazing. A must get for everyone. Pretty cover :D
Shift Got the first book last week, now have them both ;)
The Scorpio Races Audiobook My first audiobook. <3 Bought this because of how amazing the book is :)
Harry Potter Calendar Pretty calendar :D Got this one since I realized I didn't have any HP calendars o.O
Harry Potter Owl This is so pretty. But a bit damaged inside, so getting a new one :)

The Pledge Swag and The Body Finder Swag. <3 The best pack I have gotten. So, so, so awesome and so pretty. I just love it all! <3 :)

White Cat These books seems kind of awesome. Have been a bit worried, but am gonna try them :D
Dark Inside I think this seems like an amazing book. Can't wait to read it. My next read ;)
Fracture This seem like a great book; I can't wait to read it :D Pretty cover :)
Dark Eden This also seems like an amazing book. Excited to read it :)
The Water Horse I did not own this movie. But it is an amazing movie, and now I have it :D
Beautiful Chaos and Beautiful Darkness Needed the next books since I have the first (A)
Ironside I have only read the first book, and now I wanted the next ones as well ;) Seems great.
Tithe I loved this book. So I wanted to own it :) Bit disappointed with the cover; not the one I wanted :\
Dirty Dancing CD Well, I love Dirty Dancing, and I really wanted the CD :D
Legend I bought this because I wanted another hardback, but it turned out to be a paperback :D Love it.
0.4 Bought this one on sale, and it does sound kind of interesting :D
I Am Number Four Loved this book and wanted a movie-tie-in :D It is so pretty (A)
Harry Potter Pretty edition of the first Harry Potter book :) It looks gorgeous.
Sherlock Season 1 Everyone seems to love this series. So I wanted it as well ;)

Across the Universe Paperback So so pretty. <3 Didn't have this copy of the book (A)
Valiant Like I said; needed them all :D Although, I am hating this cover even more. Not pretty :(
Angry Birds Plush Bought this one on sale. Have a few other Angry Birds plush, and this is adorable :D
Angry Birds Lunch Box Bought on sale. Loves it. But it is a whole lot bigger than I thought it would be ;p

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. Wow, huge IMM is this week hun but so so awesome! Enjoy ~ Donna

  2. My word! You had a brilliant week! I hope you enjoy all your lovely new treats. :)

  3. Haha someone got a lot of books this week!! I just finished Fracture last night and i fell in love with it even though sometimes i had to just put it down and stop reading to calm my nerves i still loved it. I hope you enjoy everything else in your mailbox this week! Come check out my IMM!

  4. Holy cow, I don't even know where to start, you have so many books! I did just finally see the Cinder book in person last night. It's even more beautiful than I thought.

    Nice haul!

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

    1. Thank you :D <3 Oh yes, Cinder is a very beautiful book :) And so so amazing.

  5. Woow Carina!! Amazing books! I hope you'll like Shift!! And I can't wait to read Cinder! :) Awesome awesome books this week! :) ;)

    1. Thank you :D I hope I'll like it too ;) Oh, hope you love Cinder :D It is so so good :)

  6. I really liked Forgotten by Cat Patrick and I just finished Cinder - both fantastic books! Enjoy your haul this week. Happy reading :)

  7. njoy all
    i love dark inside and white cat

  8. Okay, I have to admit that I'm a little bit jealous - SOOOO many awesome books. Hope you enjoy all of these. *wantsmoremoneysoshecanbuymorebooks* :D


  9. I have been seeing White Cat books around lately a lot, I really need to pick up the book! I really want to start the Shade series also & The Scorpio Races. great IMM, you got a lot of fantastic books:D Happy reading♥

    My IMM ((:
    -thank you&come again.


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