
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Review: Fire by Kristin Cashore

I think I loved this book as much as I loved Graceling. Well, except for the fact that Fire had even less romance than Graceling did :p But oh. It didn't really need it. It is so so amazing all on its own.

This book has it all. It has an amazing plot, it has tons of action, and some romance, and it has amazing characters that you just can't help but fall in love with.

The plot in this book is amazing. I loved learning about the Dells. I loved the monsters. And I loved that Fire was a "human monster" :) Found it all to be so amazing. I loved what Fire could do.

I kind of hated the beginning of this book. I hate Immiker/Leck. Find him to be very sick and twisted. Don't like him at all. But, he does make interesting story ;) A very good villain. There were so many people in this book that I loved. I loved Fire. I loved Brigan. And I loved most if not all the guards.

I didn't really like Archer much, because of his history with Fire, but I do suppose he used to make a good friend. And he isn't really that bad, I just didn't like him very much ;p I also hated Fire's father. Even though he was dead in the book, I hated hearing about how he was.

I loved Prince Brigan; even though he didn't really leave a good first impression. Although, I still loved him then (A) He is extremely kind, and nice, and handsome, and smart, and just overall amazing. The same is Fire. She is strong. And oh, so amazing. Loved her. I also really loved a lot of the other characters; which I am sure you'll too once you read it ;)

I was, like with Graceling, disappointed in the lack of romance. There was romance, amazing romance, but it wasn't much. I just wanted more :) There was also a whole lot of more time jumps in Fire then there was in Graceling. Didn't care for it much, but still, it did make sense. Sort of :)

This book has made me want Bitterblue even more. And I am dying to read it. Hoping I might find/win an ARC of it :) So, so, so, so excited to read it. <3 Don't think I have the patience to wait until May.

Anyway, this book is amazing. And a must read if you have read Graceling. But even if you haven't, you could still just read this book. Although it is more amazing if you have read Graceling first ;)

Goodreads - Buy it

Did you enter my international giveaway of a paperback of Graceling by Kristin Cashore? <3 It ends 2/12.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Great review, Carina! I'm jonesing for Bitterblue as well. :)

  2. I was a bit iffy on the beginning chapter too, but I adored Fire by the end.

    Great review, Carina! :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, Carina! I think I preferred the first book just slightly more, but this was still really enjoyable. :) Great review!

  4. This book gets your attention right away and kept it until the very end. Good characters, great story that takes a lot of twists and turns. Definately not a flat predictable read. Kristin Cashore is a great story teller! NOT just for teens!


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