
Monday, January 30, 2012

My Wish for Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

I really want Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore. I loved Graceling and Fire so so much, and I am dying to read Kristin's next book. I love her writing, and I love her story world. I am so excited for Bitterblue because it is the sequel to Graceling. And even though this isn't Katsa and Po's story anymore, I know I will love it just as much.

I'm writing this blog post because I wanted to ask if anyone has an ARC of Bitterblue they could give to me, or share with me, or sell to me. I live in Norway, and I would gladly pay shipping for it. I'm asking here on my blog because I know I won't get an ARC any other way.

I have sent an email to the publisher; but I don't think they will ship to Norway. (No one ever has.) And I can't seem to find any contest for Bitterblue. Not that I would win in one; since I never seem to win the prizes I want the most ;p

It would mean so much to me, if anyone has a copy of Bitterblue for me. It would make my year. I want Bitterblue more than I want any other book, and that kind of says a lot :)

My review of Graceling. My review of Fire. My international paperback giveaway of Graceling.

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