
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Review: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

I am not sure if I am ready to write this review yet. My heart and mind is still too much broken. But I am going to try.

My review may contain a few tiny spoilers. Although I do not say anything about what happens :) Only how I feel about it all. 

First, I got this book early because Norway was one of the countries that released it early. I ordered it last week, because it said they had it in stock. I never thought I would actually get it. But then it shipped on Monday, and I wasn't entirely sure they shipped Clockwork Prince. But then it arrived yesterday morning. And it was Clockwork Prince! The UK paperback special edition. And it looks so pretty.

I did just as I always do with books; I read the ending first. And peeked at a few pages in between. I should NOT have done that. It broke my heart. In half. But I still started at the beginning of the book, and I read all day long. And I did finish it yesterday too.

First I must just say that the plot and story is simply amazing. And the writing is also great. I don't want to give the story away, so you'll just have to see for yourself :) I did like all of the characters, though. Charlotte is awesome. And Henry is so sweet. And Sophie.. I really like her too. Not so sure about Jessamine though. I might like her. Maybe.

My biggest love though, is Will. And he killed me in this book. I am still hating Cassie for that. We get to learn his secret, and oh, it really is heart breaking. TINY SPOILER: Will is the sweetest and kindest person there is.

I still do not like Jem. I know many people love him and whatever, but I don't feel anything for him at all. Will is the one I love. And to me, Jem is just in the way. Just so you know :D

I kind of like Tessa. She is smart. And kind. And beautiful. But oh, I hated her near the end. Which you will understand once you read this book. The end is a killer. SERIOUSLY. It kills. Only, it kills the reader. That is, if you have feelings ;)

The ending broke my heart. And I am still broken. It is the first book that has made me cry so much. And I still want to cry when I think of it. Which I try not to do. I can not wait for Clockwork Princess. I need it.

Anyway, this is an amazing book. But I am still only giving it a four star, because of what the ending did to me. The plot is worthy of a five star, though :) And Clockwork Prince is a must read. I think. Mostly. If you can bare it.

goodreads - pre-order it here


  1. OMG you lucky girl! I cannot wait till I get my copy of this book. THe waiting is killing me.

    Thanks for the review.


  2. I totally agree with what you said about Will. Jem is nice and all, but just in the way!

  3. Thank you for agreeing with me. <3 That is my thoughts exactly :) He is in the way of Will's happiness. Even if he does make him happy, it is in a different way.


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