
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Review: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

I just finished reading Clockwork Angel for the second time. I read it first over a year ago, and I haven't re-read it before now because the ending kind of hurt. And I still remembered it all very well :)

I loved this book. I discovered it after having read the Mortal Instruments series by Cassie, and then I read the summary. And I just knew I had to read it. And oh, Clockwork Angel have not disappointed me.

It is set in an amazing world. I just love the Shadowhunters :) They are amazing. And I really liked that it was so long ago, it made the story even better. The plot is also really great, and it keeps you interested at all times.

And oh. Will. William Herondale. He is the best thing about this book. He is mostly an ass at all times, but you just can't help loving him. Mostly because it is very easy to see that he has been hurt much worse than how he hurts others. He is still a mystery by the end of this book, and I know that many hate him at the end, but I can not. Ever.

I also really liked Tessa. She was kind, and sweet, and kind of awesome. I kind of, almost, liked Jem. I would have liked him a whole lot better if he wasn't a second love interest. Hih (A) The other characters in this book is also amazing. <3

I can't wait for Clockwork Prince. Even though I am dreading it. Since the love triangle will be so much.. bigger. But, I have hopes. Anyway, this is a must read book. As is every book by Cassandra :)


  1. This is one of my all time fav reads!!!! Sooooo glad you loved it just as much as I did! Can't wait for the sequel :)

    Will is sooooo swoon worthy! Cassandra Clare is an incredible author. Thanks for the amazing review :)


  2. Excellent review!! I hope you love Clockwork Prince as much as I!! I fell hard for it!! =D
    happy readign! muah!

    Dazzling Reads


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