
Monday, August 5, 2024

Review: Champion of Fate by Kendare Blake

Of course I was going to read this precious book again before I start the sequel. Even though it has been less than a year since I read it. But oh, how badly I loved this book back then. And so I had to read it again, so I would remember the small details. I am so glad I did so. As I loved this book just as much this time, eee.

But yeah. It also ruined me just as much, even knowing all of it now. The end of this book hurts so much. I'm so nervous about book two. Yet I cannot wait to start it next, as I know it's going to be amazing. Even with my broken heart. As I always say, I shall not write such a long second review. But I always fail at it, haha.

I probably will this time too. As I feel like I could write about this book for all ages. The writing was every kind of perfection. I had no problem at all with falling in love with the characters and this world. Most of all with Reed, the main character. She is sixteen years old. So young, yet so old in spirit and heart. She has been through so much. The book begins when she is eight years old. We get to witness her village being murdered, her mother dying in front of her. And all of this truly broke my heart. And I loved it the most. Little Reed was fully adorable. She was fierce and rude and broken and I adored her to pieces. It's a short moment, but I loved it so. As we got to know her so well from this beginning. She was kept as a sacrifice. Then saved by two Aristene.

Which is what this book is about. An order of warrior women. And oh, how I loved getting to know all the details and how it all worked. I loved the hidden city of Atropa. And I loved to hate the Elders, Tiern and Ferreh, haha. I so loved Reed's mentor, Aster. And her partner, Veridian. I loved how the magic worked, how it made them stronger and able to fight. I loved how the order of warrior women were tasked with making a hero. Boy or girl. Getting them to glory and victory. Honestly, I loved every part of the Aristene.

But this book is about Reed. And her journey of becoming an Aristene. Reed was rescued by Aster and Veridian when she was eight. And so for the past eight years she has been an initiate, training to become an Aristene when she is ready. I loved reading about her at the summer camp. How she was training with Gretchen and Lyonene. How close these three girls were. I loved it so. It broke my heart when Gretchen decided not to join them after all. I loved her so. They were such great friends and I loved that the most.

Of course, Lyonene made me a little angry many times too. As she and Reed are going on their Hero's trial, the final test before getting to be an Aristene. They need to raise their hero to glory. And they are tasked with boys in the same war. And so they get to stay close. And I honestly loved that. Lyonene did annoy me at times. I felt like she felt that Reed was less than her. And how she was the cause of Silco being hurt. That still made me cry. And yet. I loved Lyonene the most. And she loved Reed so much too.

Anyway. I'm already writing too much about this book. Too many details, ha. I just cannot stop myself. I loved this book to pieces, this second time too. It hurt me just as much. Again. How rude. And yet I loved it so much. Sigh. Other characters that were amazing. Sar. Reed hated him at first. But she grew to like him. He was adorable. Prince Ostar was an interesting person, I liked him. His little brother Oren was a pain. I adored him, ha. Their father, King Oreas, was the actual worst. Yet fully fascinating, in some way.

There is so much that I loved about this. I loved how it was mostly about a war. How Reed and Lyonene was trying to win it, for their heroes, Hestion and Alsander. How it was all fully complicated. And yet it was so exciting at times. I just loved it so much. I loved the romance with Reed and Hestion. It was supposed to be forbidden. But she had loved him for years, for reasons. And they were simply perfect together. But I did feel that his past was a bit too much, ha. Yet I thought they were right for each other. My poor heart.

I loved that Reed was tall. And strong. And soft. I hated how she felt different at times, because she was tall and strong. I thought she was so beautiful. And amazing. And I loved her to pieces. Sigh. She was the best main character. And just, honestly. The sisterly relationship she had with Lyonene was the best. Yes, they argued a little, but they were the best together. I hope to see more of it in book two. Okay. Not going to say much more of the book now. I have written too much yet too little. Just. Everything was perfection.

I can't help but mention that ending again, ha. It is both awesome and heartbreaking. First the end of the war. It was such an epic final fight. I loved it. But it did not end all that happily, not for Reed and Hestion. And that hurt me. How hurt he was. How angry. How he did not understand. Hmph. But I did get it too, of course. I hope it will be solved in book two. Fingers crossed. Then the end with the Aristene and Reed. It felt a little rushed, what she did. I'm a bit sad about it, yet I loved it. Cannot wait to see more in book two.

I do not understand why more people have not read this book. As Champion of Fate is truly perfection. It has everything. It is filled with sisterly love. Full of war and adventure and excitement. Full of death and a horrible enemy. It has a small romance which is the cutest thing. I ship them most, even after that ending. Hmph. It's full of twists and secrets. Some of the most amazing woman warriors. I so loved reading about them. It has horses. Me, not even a horse person, love them. This book has it all. And I adore it so much.


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