
Saturday, June 15, 2024

In My Mailbox #658

How is it already Saturday again? How rude. Time is moving way too fast :) It's summer, finally. But not all that warm, ugh. We keep getting a few days of a little warmer. Then back to colder. Doesn't look like it will get any warmer for a long time either. Sigh. I want some summer heat too. I'm fully exhausted this week. I hurt so, so much. And it's driving me insane. My wound is finally healing more, so I'm glad about that. But I have this intense pain in my left arm. All the time. It hurts to sleep, it hurts to sit, it hurts to move. Uuugh. And my strong painkillers doesn't help. Sigh. Got medicine a week ago. That should have helped. But no. It's worse now. Yeah. Doctor next week, to get an appointment to check the arm. It's hurting so goddamn much. Gah. I'm still doing my daily walks, but it hurts. Sigh. I'm tired of this. But doing my best :) I did read a book this week, eee. It was a four star, which I'm happy about. <3 And I watched the final four episodes of Bridgerton last night, which I also loved :) Only two new books this week, but I love them, ha. Just. I so want my health to get better. Ohhh. My spa bath. I finally got the new one I had to buy, after mine died. It was cheaper quality, which I did not like. But figured I would get used to it. Buut. It also had a production error, it was 10cm too low. Yeah. That was not okay. So I was able to send it in return. And they ordered me the one I actually wanted, the spa bath I already had before. Had to pay a little more, but less than if I had just bought it to begin with. I got an okay deal. I am happy with that :) Now just waiting for it to arrive, though. Ugh. Sorry for this very long weekly update, ha :D I just had too much to share. I'm going to read another book in the next few days, but a shorter one. Hope to love it :) This week I'm waiting on A Sea of Unspoken Things :) And I shared my review of Greymist Fair :D Hope you are all doing well this week. <3

Ruthless Vows. Eee! My gorgeous Fairyloot edition is here, at last :D And it is fully precious. I love it so :)
The Midnight Orchestra. Paperback edition :D Still haven't read this sequel, despite loving book one, ack.

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