
Saturday, April 13, 2024

In My Mailbox #649

Ohh. This have been a long and exhausting week. But good too. Finally got to have my first spa bath of this year, eee. <3 Already done three this week. And it's been so perfect. I missed the hot baths outside so much. Sigh. So very happy :D But gods, I'm so exhausted. Have barely been able to do anything this week. I just hurt all over. And am so tired too. How rude. Hope it will pass soon, though. Since I got more medicine yesterday, which was also exhausting, but yeah. I'm hoping it will help. Also. An update on my wound. It looks like it's starting to heal a little, from one side. And omg. Please let it heal all the way. I am crossing everything. Just. Yeah. Please do not stop healing, haha. I just want it gone already. Sigh. It has been so long and I'm so exhausted from it. Hmph. Anyway. I did manage to read a book earlier this week :D Yay for that. And reading another next week. <3 Got a little bit of mail as well. I love it all. I shared my review of Not Quite a Ghost :) This week I'm waiting on The Crimson Moth. <3 Hope you are doing well :)

Iron Flame. I'm trying to get this Fairyloot sold, as I learned after I ordered that I will never read them, ha.
Royal Scandal. Book two :D Hoping to get to read them both one day soon, ha. As I fully adore Aimee. <3
Funko Pop. Only one this week, haha :D A flocked Grookey. Which is just all kinds of adorable. I love it :)

Wish Monster. I simply had to download this one. Sigh. Being auto-approved by HarperChildren's books on Edelweiss is the best thing. <3 I waited a little before I got this one. But I could not resist any longer. I will be reading it next week, and I am so very excited :) Such a big fan of J. A. White and his books.


Red in Tooth and Claw. Eeee! I just got approved for this one. <3 And I could not be more excited. It looks so gorgeous and I adore Lish. I am going to love this book so very much :) Reading it the week after next, haha. I know that I'm going to love it, eee. It just sounds so very awesome, ha. Can't wait to read it.


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