
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Review: A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand

Reading this book a second time was a must. I loved it just as much reading it again. And I am now even more ready to read book two right away. It is going to be amazing. This book is all kinds of special to me. It is Claire Legrand. Whom I have loved for years and years now. And I still love every one of her books.

Which is the very best to me. I do not think she will ever write a book that I will not love. The writing in this one is stunning, as it is with all of her books. I loved that this was her first adult story. Yet it feels like all her other books, which I love. The main girl is twenty years old, and I loved that as well. Gemma was the best.

I am not going to write such a long review this time. At least I do not think so. It is hard to find all of the right words after a re-read. Since I have already shared all the ways I loved this story, haha. But I am still going to share my thoughts again. But less of them this time. Probably. There is just so much that I loved about this book. And many details I had forgotten about, despite it not yet being a year since I first read this book. How rude. Which makes me even more happy that I decided to read it again before starting my ARC of book two. This first book is the story of Gemma. The second book is the story of her eldest sister, Farrin. The third book is the story of the middle sister, Mara. And I'm beyond excited for their stories as well. All three of them are amazing.

But this one was all about Gemma. Though all three of them are a big part of this story, which I loved. I think they will all have a bigger role to play later on. And I am very excited about it. I think this trilogy will end up being every kind of epic. Which this first book already was, of course. We get to know Gemma a whole lot in this book. She can be hard to love. As she keeps most of herself hidden away, only showing people her beauty and letting them love that. But inside she is fully broken and fully beautiful. Loved her.

Gemma spends all her days in pain. She comes from a family filled with magical gifts. And she has none. All she has is the pain in her body, the panic in her mind. And no magic of her own. Instead magic hurts her. She can't stand to be near magic. But she must, because her family has magic inside them and their house has parts of magic as well. And so she is constantly in pain. She is distracting herself with hosting balls and spending time with men for pleasure. She is trying to ignore her pain and pretend to be happy.

And oh, how badly I loved this girl. Sure, she could be a little rude at times. And mostly just caring about herself. But she changed. And she does care about others, she is just a little bad about showing it. I loved how she opened up to those around her, after a while. I loved how she got stronger, both body and mind. Even though she is still broken at the end of the book, she is also still stronger. And I loved that about her. Gemma was truly precious to me. I can very much relate to all her pain, as I have it too, all the time. Ugh.

But this book is about Gemma and Talan. He shows up early in this story. And oh, how badly I loved this precious and sad and hurt man. They did fall for each other pretty fast. But they also waited weeks before they actually acted on their feelings. And I shipped them from the very first moment. They were the actual best together. So cute. Both so broken and sad. But perfect together. Healing each other. Of course, they also hurt each other a little in this book. But I did not mind too much, as it wasn't awful, or bad drama, ha.

There is just so much to say about this story. I am trying not to say too much, but I have already written way too many things. Ha. The story is about Gemma and Talan. About a demon making her family and the Basks family hurt each other. About her trying to find this demon to make it all stop. Which does not go as planned at all. There is truly so much happening. And I'm not going to share it, as I do not want to spoil. But there are scenes in the mountains, with the Vilia. Those scenes were pretty great. I loved them.

And of course, the romance between Gemma and Talan. They were a little slow to get started, despite them both very obviously wanting the other right away. But when they finally do get together. Sigh. It was perfection. I loved them so much. I loved the smut, which Claire writes so well. I loved how romantic they were with each other. How much they cared. How Gemma tried her best to save Talan. Those scenes at the end of the book. Sigh. It was all kinds of exciting and evil and so good. I also loved the ending of this.

This book was also filled with other great characters. Like Ryder and his sister Alastrina. Very excited for more of them in book two. They are sort of the villains to Gemma and her family in this book, ha. But they get better. And I liked them a whole lot, and their different ways of being. I also loved Gareth, Farrin's best friend. He was so adorable. And Illaria, Gemma's best friend. She was the best. Oh. And also. Gemma's father. He was the worst person alive, to be honest. I disliked him the very most. Hmph. Hope he dies, ha.

I would say that the biggest plot of this series would be the hidden villain. We know his name. We know what he does. But we still have not actually seen him. And I am excited for him to be a bigger part of the next books. Well, mainly excited about them ending up killing him, which I am positive will happen, haha. I'm also very curious to know more about the queen of this world. She is full of magic and was chosen by the gods before they died. I loved the parts we got to see of her in this first book. She seemed awesome.

There is so much I want to say about this book. But I'm trying not to share too much, ha. I might already be failing at that. Oops. But one of my favorite parts of this book was getting to know why Gemma has no magic. Why she is in constant pain. Why magic keeps hurting her. And it was such an excellent reason. It was so painful and rude and heartbreaking and I just loved it to pieces. Love all the broken and sad parts. This story was so evil. What I loved most was that there were no easy cure for her, at least not yet. It hurt.

A Crown of Ivy and Glass is such a precious book. It is full of hurts and pain. But it's also full of hope and love and romance and the best sisters. It has the best written smut. It's a little silly at times. And I loved it with all of my heart. The story of Gemma and Talan was every kind of precious to me. Getting to know of these three sisters, Gemma and Farrin and Mara, was the very best. I love them so much. And this world created was also incredible. And I can't wait to know more about it. This is a book that you must read too.


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