
Saturday, February 10, 2024

In My Mailbox #640

Another Saturday already. How rude. I have just been busy this week with trying to heal after my surgery. Oh. Wait. No. I was at the hospital again on Monday. Oops. Had a different appointment where they also put me to sleep. Shudders. But it went okay and it was not painful after either, which I had been worried about. So I'm glad I got it done. But yeah. This week have been so exhausting. And I'm just trying to heal. Been 17 days since my surgery. It looks better, I guess. But need to figure out a different bandage to start using. Hmm. Hoping it goes okay. Just want it to heal already. Sigh. Plus side, I got an important package this week. <3 And most important one will arrive next week, eee :D I am so very excited. And I'm currently re-reading Silver in the Bone, which I'm super excited about :) Got a bit of book mail; all gorgeous :) Also busy waiting for this damned winter to be over. It has been cold for so long now. Brrr. Want it to be April already, ha :D This week I'm waiting on Wrath of the Triple Goddess :) I hope you are all doing well. <3

Ruthless Vows. Finally managed to get the UK paperback edition :) Third edition, though, ugh. How rude.
The Thirteenth Circle. Eee! This is a book I'm so excited to read. Love MarcyKate. And it looks adorable.
One Girl in All the World. I know. Have yet to read this series, oops. But had to own this new paperback.
Hell Bent. New UK Waterstones exclusive paperback. <3 I love the colored edges. It's so very pretty, eee.
Barnes & Noble Exclusives. Eeee! Biggest thank you to my friend Theresa for helping me get all of these precious books to Norway. <3 You are the actual best :) Hugs. So thankful. Love the exclusive of Keeper of the Lost Cities graphic novel. A Curse for True Love. Now own the entire trilogy; hoping to read it one day. Ruthless Vows. Stunning exclusive edition. Sword Catcher. I must read this precious. Ninth House and Hell Bent. Two most gorgeous paperbacks. Love them so. Must read this series soon, though, ack :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

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