
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Review: The Only Survivors by Megan Miranda

Another adult mystery book by Megan Miranda. Of course I was going to read this one as well. I love the cover and all the colors. And it sounded pretty creepy too. I ended up enjoying this book a lot. But I also did not love it, so I'm a little bit conflicted. I'm going with three stars for this one. I liked it, but had some small issues.

It was a fast read, though. Which I liked. I could not stop reading until the end, as I had to know what happened next. Yet not that much happened, to be honest. It was a lot of suspense, leading up to nothing. Ha. The writing was good, but I had small issues with it. But I was curious about it all and I wished to know more.

There is a whole lot that I want to share about this book. Mostly just want to spoil what happens at the end, haha. But I shall not. So instead I am going to share a little about the plot of this book. Not too much, though. The book is told from the point of view of twenty eight year old Cassidy. She survived a tragic car accident ten years past. She and eight others. The nine survivors, while twelve others died. One of them killed herself one year after the accident. After that they decided to meet up for a week every year around that time. To spend some time together, to keep each other safe. Or something like that. None of them were actual friends. At least it did not seem that way. They knew each other and spent one week together. But that was it, for most of them.

And so Cassidy have decided that this is enough now, she does not want to meet up anymore. But then another of their group has killed themselves. Now they are only seven of the survivors left. And so she goes for the week after all, to be with the others. I did like all of this, to be honest. Getting to know more about the crash back then was the best part. How they were stuck next to the river for hours in the dark, unable to get help. Many dead. I wish it had been more about that, honestly. It was all kinds of interesting.

But no. This book was mostly about the present. And that was filled with secrets. Most we got to know, slowly. We got to know the other survivors too, somewhat. I honestly didn't care much about any of them. Hollis was the only one I liked reading about. I kind of liked Grace and Amaya, but not much. Did not like Brody or Oliver. I thought Joshua would end up being a new love interest. He did not. I somewhat liked him, though. And I did like Cassidy, for the most part. I just did not love her, like I had wanted to. Hmph.

I did like the setting, though. They are staying at a beach house for that one week a year. And they spend time on the beach, which I liked. We get to know a little about the place around too, one of the neighbors. I liked getting to know Will. But then we never saw him again, so yeah. And I feel a little bit tricked by the summary. Sounded like there would be storm danger. There was not. They weren't even a full day without power. No danger at all. So I was a little disappointed, as the only action seemed to be in the past, haha.

And even then it was too little of it. Which is why I did not love this book. I wanted more. More from the past, but also way more from the future. I did like getting to know the characters. But it felt like I did not know them enough. And they barely did anything. Ack. But there was a little mystery too. What they all kept secret from the accident in the past. If the two suicides actually were that. But the hidden bad guy? That was badly written, to be honest. I did not care at all. And just thought it was weird. A little interesting.

What I liked most about this book was everything about the accident ten years past. I liked the smaller chapters from each of the seven survivors, set during seven hours in the past. I wanted to know more of what happened back then. I was way more invested in the past than the present, ha. My favorite part was the secret revealed at the very end. Why the crash happened in the first place. I had not guessed it and I liked it a whole lot, ha. It was a bit brutal. And I wanted it to be shared with the others. It was not. So rude.

The Only Survivors was a pretty exciting story. But mostly the story about the past. As the present was very slow and not that much happened. But I so liked getting to know the characters a little more. I very much liked getting to know the past more. And so I did like this book. But I did not love it, as I did feel like something was missing. Romance, for one. It was mentioned a little. But it was so bad. So yes. I missed that. And I wish I had felt more connected to the main girl, cared a little more. Still. It was a good mystery.

Goodreads - Blackwells - Amazon US - Amazon UK

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