
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Review: Daughter of Mine by Megan Miranda

This might be my favorite book by Megan Miranda. I have read them all, except for just one of her older ones. I am still shaking a little from finishing this one. It was such a great mystery. And I liked the characters. It simply kept me interested from beginning to end. Loved that so much. This was a five star for me. Loved it.

I don't know where to begin. The writing was stunning, as always with books by Megan. The main girl was twenty-seven years old, which is around the same age as all her adult books. Which I am liking a whole lot. This book was a little bit slow. And yet I adored every part of it. I so liked how all of it fit together in the end. Sigh.

Finding the words for this book will be difficult. As I want to share all the spoilers from the ending, haha. But will share nothing of it. Only my thoughts about this book, which are many. Enjoyed it so very much. And I'm so happy about it. It even had a small part of a romance. Which was also the best in a while, I think. Though it had way too little heat, ha. And I wish there had been something of it, at least. Aw. But the small romance was there. And I guess it was enough. As the focus on the book was on the mystery. Well, mysteries. This had a whole bunch of them. People going missing. In the past and in the present. Unsolved mysteries, now coming to light. And I so very much liked reading about them all and finding out all of the secrets, haha. It was simply exciting.

This book tells the story of Hazel. She moved away from her family ten years ago, at seventeen. Only two hours away, but she needed a break from the town. Though she did visit at important times. Her father is now dead. And he left the house to her. So she had to return. Her brothers are not happy about it. As they do not understand why she was left the house and they got nothing. And so this was every kind of tough for her. Hazel came back to deal with the house and also her brothers. Trying to figure out why she got it.

Their family was so complicated. Going to share a little about it, as I very much liked getting to know all of it, ha. Hazel and her mom moved into this town when she was around eight years old. They met the Holt family and her mom got together with their dad. He had two sons around her age, Caden and Gage. They grew up together. But then her mom left when Hazel was fourteen. Just suddenly gone. Money and other things taken. Looking like she left them. And left Hazel behind. But Hazel did have the best dad after that.

Which I liked a whole lot. But her relationship with the brothers. Sigh. Gage seemed kind and loving with her. Caden seemed to always hate Hazel, for stealing his dad and brother. And so they did not have the best relationship at all. But oh, how I liked reading about it all. I liked getting to know a little more at each chapter. About Caden and his family, his wife and daughter. His child was the cutest. His wife had history with Hazel. And I do wish we had gotten to know a little more about them. I liked what was there, though.

Then there was the next door neighbor, Nico. Hazel grew up crushing on him. Who grew into something more over the years. Yet never something more than a small flirt, taking place often. It got more serious when she came back this time. And I liked that. I think they were great together. And I just adored Nico and getting to know him. Sigh. Though, oh. He had some secrets kept as well. That hurt. But I think it is possible to get past it. I hope. As I think they were great for each other. I loved their friendship so much.

There is so much going on in this book. I'm not going to share much more about it all. Just. There were so many mysteries. Gosh. Two cars turned up from the lake, because it had not rained for weeks. Zero bodies. But empty and mysterious cars. I liked figuring out who they belonged to. I loved reading about Hazel doing a little bit of investigating. There were someone going missing. Was a bit heartbreaking. But so exciting and thrilling. I loved how much Hazel were able to uncover and find out. I liked all of it, haha.

I must mention the ending too, just because. As I thought it was amazing. So many secrets came to life. Some I had guessed, some I had not. All of it thrilling. I will say, though, that I do wish there had been a chapter more after the ending. I wanted to know a little bit more. Sigh. But it was excellent. I think I have written enough about the plot of this book. Yet I'm not sure if I have written much at all, haha. So I will just say that I very much enjoyed reading this book. I read it all in one evening. It murdered me. Was worth it.

The biggest thank you to the publisher, Marysue Rucci Books at Simon & Schuster for the approval to read this book early as an eARC via Edelweiss. I had to read it right away. And I do not regret it one bit. Daughter of Mine was every bit as amazing as I had hoped it would be. And more so. Considering this was my favorite of her books so far. It was filled with mystery and excitement. I adored these characters. Always wanted to know what happened next. I liked the surprises and secrets. You all need to read this.


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