
Saturday, November 25, 2023

In My Mailbox #629

Another week gone by. Ack. Another book read, though, so yay for that :) And I re-watched Squid Game with my mom this week, her first time. I liked it better this time, I think. And we saw the first five episodes of the Squid Game: The Challenge, which is awesome. I'm currently re-watching The Lord of the Rings, which is even better. <3 Sigh. My precious. Anyway. I'm exhausted this week. Finally got an appointment for re-starting my medicine, next week. Just have to visit hospital town to get it done. Uugh. Which sucks. But I shall survive. Hopefully :) Got a bit of stunning mail this week, ack. Too many books :) I shared my review of Artifice :) And this week I'm waiting on Daughter of Mine. <3 Hope that you are all doing well :)

The Hunting Moon. US hardcover :D I know. Have not read book one. But I think I will love them both.
Vengeance of the Pirate Queen. Unsure when I will read this one. Oops. I did mostly like the first books.
Dawn Breaker. I have not read book one yet, oops. But own all books by Jodi. I will read them one day.
The Hunting Moon. The UK Waterstones exclusive paperback :D Love the painted edges. So beautiful.
The Last Life of Prince Alastor. Second book in this series, UK paperback. Reading them both soon. <3
A Study in Drowning. Illumicrate edition, eee :D It is so lovely. Cost me a bit too much. Oh. But worth it.
Sword Catcher. Eee! Was able to to get this Owlcrate edition cheaper; small damage but I do not mind.
Champion of Fate & The Isles of the Gods. UK ARCs :D Ahh! Very happy about this trade. <3 Love them.
Funko Pop. Bought this chase Gollum from a seller in Norway. Finally have it, ha :D Been searching long.
Super Mario RPG. I'm hoping to love this new game for my Switch, eee :D It looks pretty awesome. <3
Funko Pop. Ohh. Duchess is the cutest. I think I'm going to take her out of the box, though, ha. Love her.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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