
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Review: Strike the Zither by Joan He

This is a book I have been supposed to read for a long time now. But I had peeked at the ending, so I wanted to wait for book two. I now have that one as an eARC, so I at last made myself read this first book. And oh. It was all kinds of amazing. Different from what I thought too. Even more exciting than I had imagined it would be.

Of course, the ending I had peeked at wasn't even what I thought it was, ha. So I was actually worried for nothing. So, yeah. And I had not even noticed the huge plot twist. Which did put me out a little. But I have grown to love it. And so I'm giving this book five stars. I was interested from the beginning to the end of this story.

And I shall admit that I did not think I would be, considering what the book is about. It is a little slow. Yet I adored it. I loved getting to know Zephyr and her life. I loved the world this story was set in. It was fully exciting to read about. And so I didn't mind that it was slow. Because I fell in love with everything. The writing was perfect, of course, as with the other books I have read by Joan. This is so far my favorite of her books. It's a five star for me, but there were a few small things that bothered me. I wanted more of Crow and the very, very small growing romance they had. Sigh. But I loved just reading about Zephyr too. But yes. I wanted more of Crow. And that twist. I did not see it coming at all. And it hurt me. So very much. Sobs. But it was written really well.

And so I think the twist will be okay. Perhaps. I may have also peeked a little more on my early copy of book two. And that hurt me even worse, haha. I'm unsure how this story will end. And yet. I am dying to read it. Because I really truly fell in love with this world and these characters. I want more of them all. I want to know how it will all end, even if it breaks me. Though I hope it will not, not too badly, at least, ha. Shall not write too much about the plot in this review of mine. Will not mention the twist at all; best not to.

But how do I even write about this book? I'm not sure. It tells the story of eighteen-year-old Zephyr. She spends her time as a strategist for Xin Ren. This world was a world of war. Who should rule the empire and who should not. Zephyr tries her best to make Ren into the best option, working on taking out their enemies. Okay. I have no idea how to describe this plot at all. Haha. It made sense when I read the book. So I will not write too much about it, as that will not make any sense at all. But it do in the book, promise.

I loved how this story begins, right in the middle of the action. With Zephyr and Ren with their soldiers on the run from a more terrible woman in charge of others and more soldiers. Zephyr has to make a choice to save them all from being killed. It is not easy. But oh, she was such a smart person. At least I think so, haha. She did make a few bad choices in this book. But for the most part she was extraordinary. I loved that. I loved how smart she was and how she saved everyone, or tried to at least. Her mind was the best.

I simply adored her. I loved how she was not a warrior, like everyone around her. I loved how she played the zither so well. I very much loved how she gave herself up to the enemy, pretending to switch sides. It was pretty exciting to read about. And oh, how much she learned while at their place. Most of all I loved when she met their strategist, Crow. He was the best. Probably dying. But I loved him most and hope he makes it. Ha. Sobs. They were not friends. And I so loved them together. As they slowly got a little closer.

But then she left. Back to Ren and her actual people. And ahh. I can't deal with everything that happened. How the war went. How many people died. We do not see much of it, but a few deaths. And they were a bit awful and I just loved it. This whole book was just written so well. I loved the war parts of it. All of the scheming too. So much happens in this story, despite it being kind of short. I can't wait to read all of what happens next, though I'm way too nervous. I have shared way too little about what happens in this book.

Of course. I suddenly remembered something important that I should mention. I did not love only Zephyr and Crow in this story. But all the others too. Ren was pretty great, I think. And I loved Lotus and Cloud as well, her swornsisters. I loved that part of it. I loved how close they all were. Though Zephyr was not really a part of all of that. Which did change a little towards the end, which I liked. This book had a little drama. I loved it, haha. It was full of heartbreaking parts too, which I loved a little less, to be honest, ha.

I should write more about this book. But I'm unable to describe the plot. That twist ruined me. Yet it was written really well too, I suppose, haha. And I'm growing to like it. I just hope it ends well. Oh. Strike the Zither was such an excellent story. I loved the history and the world. I adored Zephyr and Crow. Now I will be reading book two. And hopefully I will survive it. This review feels a little messy. But that's okay. I feel a little messy too, after having read this story. It was so good, though. And I think you should all read it too.


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