
Monday, October 9, 2023

Review: Champion of Fate by Kendare Blake

This book was everything I wanted. I loved it from beginning to end. I am just so happy about it. Sigh. Of course, I have loved every book by Kendare. So I knew this one would be amazing. But I also did not realize how very epic it would be. Waiting for the next book is going to be torture. I want more of everything.

Five stars for this book. Even though that ending killed me, ha. It hurt. But it was so good too. I'm just fully nervous about how everything will be in the second book, as I have so many hopes. Keeping my fingers crossed. But gosh, this first book was every kind of incredible. I loved it beyond words. This was perfection.

I'm probably not going to be able to find the words to describe this story. Or I am going to end up writing way too much. Oops. The writing was stunning. I felt connected to everything. It took me a while to read this, but that just meant I had more days to love it. It is told from the point of view of sixteen-year-old Reed. And I loved her more than anything. She was the sweetest and loveliest girl. I really loved how she was tall, despite her not fully loving it herself. Very much of the beginning of this book is about getting to know Reed. We start with her as a child, eight years old. Having just arrived at a new place with her family. Then having to watch them get murdered during a raid of their village. It was fully heartbreaking. But she was so brave and so fierce.

I truly loved Reed the very most. She is the only survivor of her village. Taken by the raiders when they found her, supposed to be used as a sacrifice when they reach their ship. Along with a black colt. Reed connects with this horse right away, and doesn't realize they are supposed to be killed. But they end up getting saved by two women, two Aristene. Which is how Reed begins her journey of becoming one. A immortal fighting woman. Who trains heroes, men and women, to bring them glory. I so loved all of this.

I'm not going to say much more about the Aristene and their ways. Just that I loved all of it so very much. These warrior women were all kinds of awesome and I loved those we got to see. Especially loved Aster, who became the mentor of Reed. They were like family and I just adored that. I loved how the Aristene had their own secret home, only available to enter through a veil by these women. I loved how amazing everything was and I so loved getting to know the history of these things too. So many details. Loved it.

Anyway. Reed was taken in by these warriors. And spent the next eight years as an initiate to become an Aristene herself. And I loved how we got to see the final parts of this training. Because she was not alone. She had two girls with her, Lyonene and Gretchen. And oh, how I adored reading about their friendships. It was honestly the very best thing. They were such great friends and I loved that. Gretchen seemed like the most gentle one. Lyonene was a bit crazy, ha, but I adored her even so. We got to see much of them.

Then it was time to actually try to become an Aristene. Which involved a Hero's Trial. I so loved all of the details, haha. They had to travel to the secret city to find out which hero they were meant to bring to glory for their first time. Though Reed had already had a peek at her hero, eight years before. And I very much liked that, because she had been thinking about him for all of those years. Oops. Anyway. I have already shared too much of just the beginning. I just. I loved this story most. I loved all of the little things as well.

Especially loved the relationship that Reed had with her horse, Silco. He was the meanest and I adored him. Reed and Lyonene both got heroes that were to fight the same war. Gretchen chose to not become an Aristene after all. Which was very sad, yet I fully got her. Wish we had seen more of her, though. But yeah. Reed and Lyonene ended up in the same place, almost. And so they got to spend much more time together, fighting for glory, haha. I loved it. They had some bickering, but they were sisters. I loved them.

Then there was the hero. Hestion. And I cannot with this boy that Reed was chosen to make a hero of. I loved him. Yet I was a little upset with him too, haha. He did a bit too much of sleeping around with every girl he could find. Ack. But that was before Reed. So I cannot be too upset about it. I guess. I loved their first meeting. How all of it went down. How Reed sort of worshipped him already. Yet he was her hero, so no romance, not really. At least not right away. But oh, I shipped them from the very beginning, ha. Sigh.

There is so much to say about this story. I cannot. And I have shared way too many small things already. But I cannot seem to stop myself from writing about this book. Oops. So I'm sharing a little more, ha. This book is about Reed training her hero for glory. When he gets that glory in war, she is ready to become an actual Aristene for real. But so much happens. Feelings happens. And I wanted them together more than anything. Sigh. My poor heart. And the war as well. Gosh. I hated the villain. So much. It was so perfect.

Champion of Fate truly was everything I had hoped it would be and much more. This was an incredible epic story of heroes and warriors and friendships. And a little romance too. Most perfect writing. And I adored the characters more than anything. I'm not going to share more about the story, already shared too much. But gosh, how I loved it all. I cannot. Reed was everything. And the other girls were too. And Hestion as well. And Silco. I just want more already. I so cannot wait. You all need this book in your life.


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