
Saturday, June 10, 2023

In My Mailbox #605

Ohh. This week have been pretty exhausting for me. But I'm doing okay :) Finally feeling less sick, ha. That cold lasted forever. How rude. This week I only managed to read one book, haha :) But I'm happy with that, as I did read. <3 I know what I'm reading next too, starting it early next week. So happy to be reading again. Sigh. Oh, and finally having a little hot weather. Well. A little sun at least, today, and more heat tomorrow. Wish it would last, though. But no. Not yet, not here. Rude. Anyway. Got a bunch of pop figures this week. Oops. I love them all, ha. <3 No books, but something next week, I think :) I also saw Avatar 2 this week; it was good :) A little long, but I liked it. This week I'm waiting on Rebel Undercover :) And shared my review of The Ruby Code. <3 I hope you are all doing well :) Do you have summer? <3

Hopper and Joyce. AHH! Finally have these two most precious Stranger Things pop figures, eee :D At last. Been wanting them for so long. Sigh. Ended up buying them from Australia. Worth it. Love them so.
Funko Europe. Oh. I had to place a new order this week, oops :) Love that Hades. I, at last, bought that special Stranger Things moment. Huge, but love it. More minis. More doubles. Sigh. Disappointed, ha :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

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