
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Disneyland Paris 2023

Eee! Last week I turned 30 years old, on May 3rd. I spent that day at Disneyland Paris with my sister. <3 Her birthday gift to me :) We only had a couple of days in Paris, and did not actually go to the city. But I did not really want to either, so I'm good with that. What was important was the Disneyland trip. It was all kinds of magical and amazing. Going to be sharing some of what we did today :) Sharing photos too. Did not take that many, as I was busy just being there, haha. It has taken me a week to get this post ready, as I got sick when I got home. But I was okay when we were there. I was worried, but went okay. Of course, all the walking killed me, and I'm still hurting, but it was so good, just being there. Worth it, I guess? Ha :)

Sharing a few details about our trip, and what we did there. Left for Paris on Tuesday, spent Wednesday at Disney and went home again on Thursday. Just a short trip, but it was amazing. We stayed at Relais Spa Val d'Europe and it was such a nice hotel. Their shuttle to and from Disney was the best. They had a good pool too. And their breakfast was amazing. Ha :) It was a short walk to a huge mall right next to it, Val d'Europe. But that was beyond disappointing. They had so many stores, but not truly anything for me. I bought a few small things, but nothing big, like I had imagined I would. And it was so, so dirty. Shudders. And had so few sitting places, considering it was huge to walk through. So, yeah. It was not a good mall, ha. The village of Val d'Europe right next door was way more pretty, though. Nothing there for me, only designer things, ha. But beautiful. We also visited Disney Village, the free place. So so many people. We ate at McDonald's, which was also dirty. Sigh. I did love looking at the stores. But, again, nothing for me to buy. I thought there would be a lot of Disney stuff. I had a wishlist. They had none of it. Uugh. But I did buy a few things, but so little. Aw. So that was disappointing. Still. I loved just looking at everything. <3

And now finally going to talk a little about what we did at Disneyland Paris :D Only one day there, for both parks. But that was enough for us. We did so much walking. It was exhausting. But good. The day was sunny at all times and around 20c, which was nice. A little cold wind, but we weren't freezing. And I got such a bad sunburn on my face and chest. Oops. So, yeah. Do wear sunscreen. I did not think of it. My trip had been planned and ordered since December, when my sister gifted it to me. And yet there was something I did not learn until about a week before learning. About the Priority pass. I did not know this existed. And that I had what was needed to get it. I'm so thankful that I learned of it before leaving, as I would not have gotten much done at Disneyland without it. It helped so much. We didn't have to stand in lines for ages at all. At most 10 minutes, usually just 5 minutes or less. It was the best and helped me so much as I cannot stand for too long without sitting down. So, yes. The Priority pass saved my trip and I am so glad it was possible. Even got a photo with Mickey because of it, haha :) Oh! And I got a birthday pin as well, which was so pretty. Did not really do anything at all, but many staff members wished me a happy birthday, which I so loved :) Also, people in Paris were nice and always said Bonjour. Loved that.

Now sharing about the rides we took :D Did not do them all, and may have missed out on a few we did not go to, so we did not see them. Oops. Another time. But loved the rides we did take. Sharing about them in a random order. We took Crush's Coaster. Which we thought would not be too bad or scary, as many children were waiting in line. Ha. Yeah. That one was all kinds of scary. Hahaha. Oh. But it was a little fun too. But made me nauseous. It was almost fully dark inside too, so we didn't see anything. Rude. And went so fast. Ahh! We took Peter Pan's Flight. Which was good, yet also pretty boring, and wouldn't have been worth it standing in line for about an hour, like most people did. Oh. We took Dumbo the Flying Elephant twice, and so loved that one :) A safe one, yet fun and a little fast too. We took Le Carrousel de Lancelot, which was boring, but pretty. We took a Cars one that went pretty fast and was fun. We took the Autopia, driving around in cars. It was fun and pretty. We took Mad Hatter's Tea Cups, which was fast and all kinds of fun. Loved it. We took Orbitron, which was a little scary, as it was hard to hold on and it went fast. But fun too. We also took Ratatouille, which was so boring and the worst of them, I think. Hated the 3D glasses. Ugh. But was good enough. I think that were all the rides we did :) All of them pretty fun. <3

Sharing only a little bit more. We did not eat very much at the park, as there was not really anything we wanted to try. Though we did go to Bella Notte to get the Mickey pizza. It looked pretty, but didn't taste all that well. Oops. We spent most of the time at the Disney park, and only a little at the Walt Disney Studios park. As that one was smaller and kind of boring, haha. But we did take some rides there, which I loved. But didn't really visit the Marvel parts, were too exhausted by that time. Just walked around and watched things :) We did leave for the hotel around 5pm, as we needed a break and to order some room service. Then we went back to the park around 9pm, so we could see the special light shows at the Disney castle at 11pm :) It was such a full park by then. Gosh. It even said full capacity when we arrived back. Ahh. So it was hard to find a spot to stand in to wait for the show. We did not know at first where to find the Priority pass special place to be, so that took a while. But we did find it, which was closer to the castle and closer to see. But no places to sit, which sucked. We had to sit on the cold ground, which wasn't very good at all and too hard for me. If I go back, that will be planned better and I will bring something to sit on. And rent a wheelchair, as that is needed for me. The show was pretty, but not really worth it to spend so long in the cold waiting for it. But I'm glad I saw it too :) But anyway. I have now shared all kinds of details about our Paris trip, haha :) It was such a magical place to visit. <3 I'm still exhausted, but so worth it. I'm sharing a few photos. Did not take many. Took a few photos of myself, but I'm not happy with them, so not sharing, ha :) Though I must share one Mickey photo, despite not really loving it. But loved getting to meet him :)










And that is all the photos I had to share :D Not too many, as I did not have the time to take photos, ha :) But happy with those that I got. <3 I took a few videos of the show at night, but it so did not look pretty to share here on my blog. So I will share those on my instagram, so visit me there, if you want to see them :)

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