
Saturday, April 29, 2023

In My Mailbox #599

Another Saturday, another week gone by. And just THREE days until my small Paris trip, ahhh :D And it's just four days then until I turn 30 and visit Disneyland Paris. <3 Oh. I cannot wait, eee :D So so excited for everything I'm going to buy, haha :) And eat. And see. Oh. Will take so many photos, ha :) Of course, my health is a fucking mess right now. Which will make my trip all kinds of hard, of course. But still so excited and hoping it won't be too bad :) And I'm still so excited. Sigh. Anyway. Got a bunch of amazing mail this week. <3 Some books. Some pop figures. All so awesome. Eee. I shared my review of In the Shadow of Blackbirds. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Fragile Threads of Power :) Hope you are all doing well. <3

Silver in the Bone. Eee! I am all kinds of excited about this book :D I'm hoping to get to read it very soon.
The Piper's Promise. Okay, have not read the first two. Oops. But I love these middle grade covers, ha :)
The Star Shepherd. Eee! Thank you so much MarcyKate for this personalized copy that I won :D I love it.
Animal Crossing. Number four of the graphic novel series :D Okay, haven't read them, but need them all.
Funko Nordic. Ahh! Thank you so much love for this most wonderful birthday present :D Love all of them.
Funko Europe. Oops. I managed three weeks without ordering new pop figures, haha. I had to get these, eee. I LOVE the new Pocahontas one :D Ahh! Got the chase Bruno soda, love. <3 And love all of them.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday #601

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, and set in the world of A Darker Shade of Magic, V. E. Schwab opens a new door into perilous adventure and tangled schemes with The Fragile Threads of Power.

Once, there were four worlds, nestled like pages in a book, each pulsing with fantastical power, and connected by a single city: London. Until the magic grew too fast, and forced the worlds to seal the doors between them in a desperate gamble to protect their own. The few magicians who could still open the doors grew more rare as time passed and now, only three Antari are known in recent memory―Kell Maresh of Red London, Delilah Bard of Grey London, and Holland Vosijk, of White London.

But barely a glimpse of them have been seen in the last seven years―and a new Antari named Kosika has appeared in White London, taking the throne in Holland's absence. The young queen is willing to feed her city with blood, including her own―but her growing religious fervor has the potential to drown them instead.

And back in Red London, King Rhy Maresh is threatened by a rising rebellion, one determined to correct the balance of power by razing the throne entirely.

Amidst this tapestry of old friends and new enemies, a girl with an unusual magical ability comes into possession of a device that could change the fate of all four worlds.

Her name is Tes, and she's the only one who can bring them together―or unravel it all.

Format: 656 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: September 26, 2023 by Tor Books
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon

I am pretty excited about this one :D Although.. I have only read book one of the trilogy. Oops? Hahaha :) I'm so very behind. But hoping to read them all before this comes out this fall; I know I will love them. <3
What are you waiting for on this power Wednesday?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Review: In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters

It has been ten years since I last read this book. I honestly can't believe it has been that long. I still remembered almost all about this amazing story. And felt like I had just read it, ha. Time have moved too fast. It was about time that I read it again. I was a little nervous at first, but I still loved this book to pieces. Still five stars.

This was my first book by Cat Winters. I have read every book by her since then. Cannot wait for her to write more stories, as her books are always the best. I must confess, I did have a few small issues with the writing this time around, with how I myself have changed in the past ten years. The writing was still good.

There is so much for me to share about this book. But I'm going to try to keep it short. But oh, there was much that I loved about this story. Even though I did remember most of it, I had forgotten one part about the ending, and it still surprised me, ha. It was so good. Though this story is such a heartbreaking one. And I still wished for a different ending. Sigh. It is such a good book and I love it. This book tells the story of sixteen-year-old Mary Shelley Black. It takes place in the year of 1918. A year of the Spanish flu and of war. It was not a happy time to be alive. But people did their best back then. I must say that I did not know anything about this time period at all when I first read this one, ten years ago. And it was so interesting. I know a little more now, sort of, and it is still so fascinating to read about. So heartbreaking.

This is a story about ghosts. A story about life after death, sort of. For someone who died, and someone who died for a moment and came back. It is a story about death and sickness and war. It is also a story about family and love and hope. It was such a mix of everything, some amazing murder mystery too. But the heart of this story was Mary Shelley. And oh, how I adored this girl. She just had to leave her home, as her father got arrested for treason. And so she had to go stay with her aunt Eva, who lived ages away.

Her aunt was all kinds of crazy, haha. But I adored her even so. Only ten years older than Mary, but she seemed so old. She had just lost her husband to a sickness a few months ago. So they lived alone. The flu pretty much made Eva crazy, haha. But I loved how she cared and how she wanted to live. But gosh, the ways they all tried to avoid getting this flu was awful. Eating garlic all the time. Shudders. Would not be for me. In these days, this story is much more real. That makes it even more heartbreaking and sad.

There is so much to say about this book. But I am going to keep it short. Well, mostly short. I just loved reading this story again. I so loved getting to know Mary Shelley and Eva again. Reading about their life with the flu, with so many people dying around them. Was so sad but so interesting too. But the heart of this story was Mary Shelley and Stephen. Her childhood friend, whom she had been writing letters with for years, after he moved away. We get to know very much about their past, and oh, how I adored them.

She got to visit him a few months before she moved in with Eva; four years after she saw him last. And they connected in a different way. A more romantic one. And I so loved that. But they only got that one moment together, a little kissing. Before he went off to war. They still sent letters, but she had not heard anything for months, when she moved in with Eva. And that really starts this story. With her learning he's dead. And then slowly learning the truth about how he died, trying to figure it all out. Oh. That truly hurt.

Okay. This review of mine have turned pretty messy. I'm just struggling to find the right words to explain my love for this book and these characters. And so I shall not share that much more. This book is about Mary Shelley living during the flu, figuring out how to fit in with her aunt Eva. With her trying to solve the death of Stephen. And then seeing his ghost. It was fully heartbreaking but so very good. Oh, how I loved those scenes. A little spooky. All kinds of amazing. Also, Stephen's brother, Julius. I hated him the most.

One of my favorite things in this book was when Mary Shelley visited the Red Cross hospital and talked to the hurt soldiers there. I wish there had been more about it at the end; I wish to know what happened to them. I hope they all survived. A bunch of damaged young boys, but they were still fun to read about. Oh. And another thing I wish to know about is what happened to her father. If he went to jail or got free. I think he was freed, but I do not know. Much I wish to know after the ending, but it also ended very well.

Oops. Another thing I must mention, despite having finished writing this review of mine. I have mentioned how very heartbreaking this book is. But I haven't really gone into why. We get to know details about what goes on in the war. And it was so sad. And we get some details about the flu too, how people died. Which was horrible too. But the worst part was reading about what happened to Stephen, truly happened to him. It was the cruelest and most awful thing someone could do. I hated it. But it was so well written too. Sigh.

In the Shadow of Blackbirds is such a stunning story. And you are all going to love it, if you still have not read it. I can't believe that it took me ten years to read it again, considering I read it twice the year that it came out. But I'm happy that I finally did read it again. Because it is such a special book and I love it so. The story is all kinds of heartbreaking but a little hopeful as well. Such a great mystery and a good ghost story. The cover is also gorgeous. And there is artwork inside, photos from before. All of them fantastic.


Saturday, April 22, 2023

In My Mailbox #598

Ten days left! Ahhh! Leaving for Paris and Disneyland in just ten days. <3 I cannot wait to spend my 30th birthday at Disney :) Eee. So very excited. Will be a short trip, but long enough, and it will be so good :) Sigh. I cannot wait. Anyway. Another week gone by. Ack! And I still have not read anything. Oops. But I do know what I'm reading next. And I'm going to start it in a moment, at last, ha :) I have been busy this week with my spa bath, as always. <3 And just trying to take it easy. Was medicine day early this week, and it sucked. Ugh. But now taking a break from it, finally. A whole bunch of new mail. <3 No print books, but two eARCs, ack :D And I am fully excited about both of them. Gosh. Reading both soon. This week I'm waiting on Clementine and Danny Save the World (and each other). <3 Hope you are all doing well :)

Pop Figures. Some new ones bought from bigbadtoystore :) Love my new pokemon, eee. So adorable.
The Last of Us. I have been wanting to get this PS5 game for ages :) And I shall play it.. one day, haha :D
Beth Revis swag. Another new mailing of some precious Beth swag :D Love the House of Hex cover. <3
Pokemon Plushes + Nintendo Rewards. EEE! Thank you so much Megan for helping me get all of this to Norway from the UK :D Ahh! I am beyond thrilled and happy. <3 Eee. I bought those two most adorable pokemon plushes, and I love them so. Bigger than I thought, ha, but so fluffy and cute. All the other stuff is nintendo platinum point rewards, all free. They still do not ship to Norway again. Ugh. So I am so fully thankful that my friend could help me so I could get all of this. <3 I love it so. Thank you so much love :)

Champion of Fate. Eeee. I had to download this via Edelweiss, ahh :D New Kendare. SO excited for it.
Together We Rot. I had forgotten that I requested this on Netgalley, until I got approved :D Cannot wait.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday #600

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

(and each other) BY LIVIA BLACKBURNE

Goodreads Description:

You’ve Got Mail gets a YA twist in this rom-com that spotlights the power of activism and community organizing in the face of gentrification.

Clementine Chan believes in the power of the written word. Under the pseudonym Hibiscus, she runs a popular blog reviewing tea shops and discussing larger issues within her Chinatown community. She has a loyal, kind following, save for this one sour grape named BobaBoy888.

Danny Mok is allergic to change, and the gentrification seeping into Chinatown breaks his heart. He channels his frustration into his internet alter ego, BobaBoy888, bickering with local blogger Hibiscus over all things Chinatown and tea.

When a major corporation reveals plans that threaten to shut down the Mok’s beloved tea shop, Clementine and Danny find themselves working together in real life to save this community they both love. But as they fall hard for this cause—and each other—they have no clue that their online personas have been fighting for years.

When the truth comes to light, can Danny and Clementine still find their happily-ever-after?

Format: 336 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: July 18, 2023 by Quill Tree Books
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon

Normally this would not really be a book for me, as I do not read a lot of contemporary books. Buut. This one is written by Livia Blackburne :) I'm a bit behind on her books, but have been a fan of her for years now. <3 And so of course I'm going to give this one a try too :) And I think it sounds and looks adorable.
What are you waiting for on this beloved Wednesday?

Saturday, April 15, 2023

In My Mailbox #597

How has it already been a week? How rude. Time moves way too fast. Gosh. I haven't been able to read this week, as I have just been busy with my spa bath, haha :D I'm loving my baths so so much. Sigh. But also, I am so goddamn exhausted all the time. Oh. The baths are killing my energy. But I'm hopeful that it will get better soon, haha :) Hopefully starting a new book tomorrow. Also! I forgot to mention it last week, but I saw the new Mario movie at the cinema. And it was awesome. I loved it. <3 Eee. This week I got a bunch of books, ha :) And more pop figures, of course. This week I'm waiting on A Study in Drowning :) Also! 17 days left until my small Disneyland Paris birthday trip, eee :D I hope you are all doing well. <3

Stars and Smoke. This one sounds pretty great; and I had to get it, haha :) Just hoping to love it one day.
Royal Blood. Finally managed to order it, after my pre-order got cancelled. Ugh. Hoping to read soonish :)
Serafina and the Black Coat. I could not resist buying this new graphic novel :D I did love this book one.
Rise of the School for Good and Evil. US paperback edition is out. Of course I had to have this one, haha.
Arch-Conspirator. Finally bought the US and UK editions. So small, and so expensive? Rude. But excited.
Funko Europe. Yeah. Another order has arrived. Oops. Love them :D I so love my Ursula soda, eee. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday #599

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Effy Sayre has always believed in fairy tales. She’s had no choice. Since childhood, she’s been haunted by visions of the Fairy King. She’s found solace only in the pages of Angharad - author Emrys Myrddin’s beloved epic about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King, and then destroys him.

Effy’s tattered, dog-eared copy is all that’s keeping her afloat through her stifling first term at Llyr’s prestigious architecture college. So when Myrddin’s family announces a contest to design the late author’s house, Effy fells certain this is her destiny.

But Hiraeth Manor is an impossible task: a musty, decrepit estate on the brink of crumbling into a hungry sea. And when Effy arrives, she finds she isn’t the only one who’s made a temporary home there. Preston Héloury, a stodgy young literature scholar, is studying Myrddin’s papers and is determined to prove her favorite author is a fraud.

As the two rival students investigate the reclusive author’s legacy, piecing together clues through his letters, books, and diaries, they discover that the house’s foundation isn’t the only thing that can’t be trusted. There are dark forces, both mortal and magical, conspiring against them - and the truth may bring them both to ruin.

Format: 384 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: September 19, 2023 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon

I'm both excited and nervous about this one :) Excited, because it looks stunning and sounds pretty awesome too. But nervous, as I did not like the first book by this author that I read this year. But I'm still going to give this new one a try :) As I do think and hope that I will end up loving it. Fingers crossed :D
What are you waiting for on this crumbling Wednesday?

Saturday, April 8, 2023

In My Mailbox #596

Ohh. This have been one busy week. I am too exhausted. Gosh. But it has been a good week too :) First, I got way way too much mail, haha. Too many pop figures. Oops. I love them too much. Sigh. Second, I read my ARC of A Crown of Ivy and Glass this week :D Eee! I loved it so so much. Ahh. Third, I put my spa bath up this week. <3 What even. I have had two baths already :) So happy. Love it. But goddamn, I am tired and hurting. I'm not sure my body agreed with my baths. Oh. As everything hurts. Sigh. I hope it will be better by tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Also, I hope you are all having a great Easter. <3 I am just taking things easy at home :) Oh, just finished watching The Night Agent. It was pretty great. This week I'm waiting on The Chalice of the Gods :) And I shared my review of A Crown of Ivy and Glass. <3 Eee.

The Foxglove King. Finally bought a few copies of this book :) The UK versions. Hoping to read it soon.
The Luminaries. At last got my stunning waterstones edition :) It looks awesome. Still need to read this.
Funko Nordic. See instagram photo below of all the gifts I got from Funko Nordic, eee. <3 I love them.
Funko Europe. Oh. I need some self control, hahaha. I buy too many pop figures. Sigh. But all of these are awesome, eee :D I love my Tangled special. <3 Love all my new Disney princesses. Some of them were bought from EMP Norway :) Love my Pascal pin. Sigh. Too cute. Had to have the Disney diamonds.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Review: A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand

Nothing makes me more excited than reading a new book by Claire Legrand. She is my most favorite author and I have loved every single one of her books. This was no exception. I loved it. Way too much, perhaps. I may have loved it too much to be able to write a review that will make sense, ha. Five stars, of course.

But where do I even begin with this book? There is so much to write about. So much to say. And I am going to try not to share everything about it. But oh, I have many thoughts. And I simply must share most of them. The writing was absolutely stunning. As always, with a Claire book. I fully fell in love with everything.

This is the first adult book by Claire, which I loved. Felt a little young to me, and that is what I like. So I did not mind that at all. This trilogy will be told from three different sisters. In this one, it was about Gemma, the youngest. Gemma was twenty years old. Mara was the middle one, twenty-two. Farrin the oldest sister, at twenty-four. I cannot wait to read their books as well. Although I very much hate waiting. Hmph. Anyway. It is an adult series, but I felt like it was very much like her Furyborn books in tone and such, which I loved. Gemma felt so young at times. Yet older too. Of course, biggest difference with this book being for adults was the very steamy romance. Sigh. There was a lot of it, haha. And it was perfect. I loved how steamy it was, yet sweet too.

This book tells the story of Gemma. She lives in a world of magic. A world that is somewhat divided in two by a mist that keeps the people safe. As long as they stay away from it. Some people were blessed with magic from the gods, long ago. Gemma and her family were one of those lucky enough. Except that, well. Gemma has no magic. Her parents have magic and her two sisters. But she has nothing. And to make it worse, magic hurts her. Just being near people with magic brings her pain. It was so very heartbreaking.

There is just so much to say about Gemma. I loved this girl. Though she was not easy to love. At least not at first. She seemed kind of mean and all kinds of stuck-up. But she was not truly like that. She was pretty insecure. And she was every kind of lonely. And hurting. Hurting so badly. Which might have been why I loved her most. She had been in pain her whole life, from the magic around her. She was always aching somewhere. That is close to me, as I am too, always. Which just made me connect with Gemma.

She was such a special girl. Fully broken, but trying. Somewhat. She was trying to seem better than she was. Trying to not let people see how much she hurt. And the panic she often had. I loved reading about it. As it was so hurtful and raw and real and honest. I loved it so. Gemma was precious to me. Sure, she often did things I did not agree with, ha. But I loved her. Most especially at the end of the book. Oh, and her family. Gosh. Her mother was not there. Her father was pretty much the worst. Ugh. I truly hated him.

But her sisters. Sigh. We learn so much about Gemma and her two sisters. Mara and Farrin. Both every kind of amazing. I loved them all so, so very much. Mara got taken away as a child, to work as a Rose, protecting everyone from what lived in the mist. They miss her so. Though they visit once a month. That was not nearly enough. I so loved getting to know her. Sigh. And Farrin was amazing as well. I loved her magic with music. She was fierce and loving. And I could not help but ship Farrin with her enemy, haha.

I have so much to write about this book. And I have already written too much. And yet I'm not done, ha. But I will not say too much about the plot of this story. As it was all over the place. And I loved that. This book is all about Gemma. About her slowly learning more about why she has zero magic. And how she might have it anyway. It was a little creepy and all kinds of awesome to read about. This is a book about demons. A book about curses. A book about magical travelling through hedges, haha. A book about love.

Oh. And a book filled with incredible characters. Like the queen of this place. She was ancient, I think. Yet young. And all kinds of interesting to read about. Though we only got to know a little about her. I want to know more. Then there was Illaria and Gareth. Both characters whom I adored. And Ryder with his sister. They were a little crazy but I grew to like them too, haha. I loved Una the dog. There was so much about this book that I loved. The different types of magic. The twists in the story. All of it interesting and exciting.

And then there was Talan. Of course I must mention him. Sigh. The love of this book. The most beautiful man that Gemma has ever seen. She is instantly attracted to him, the moment she sees him. She does go a little crazy around him, ha. But I loved that. Gemma and Talan makes a deal at the start of this book. She will help him fit in with the rich and maybe earn back his family's reputation. And he will help her with the feud her family has with the Basks. How to end it all. They are also on the hunt for a demon together.

Oh, wait. Talan. I loved this boy the very most. Eee. He was all kinds of precious. Beautiful, of course. But so sweet and giving off such vibes of innocence, haha. Which he was not. Well, he was. He was all kinds of complicated and I loved that. He had such a wild story and a wild life. I loved getting to know him. Sure, he did make some mistakes too. And there was some drama that I was not a big fan of. Hmph. But it was nothing that bad. And oh, how I loved him. Talan was the sweetest and he cared so so much for Gemma.

What I loved most about their romance was how gentle Talan was with Gemma. How he took care of her and healed her and helped her. How she got better just by being near him. Though, of course, he did not heal her. She was still all kinds of broken. But she was better with him. And I so loved that. They had their problems, both of them, but oh, how they were perfect together even so. Sigh. Their steamy scenes were the best. But that ending. Ahh. I cannot deal with that ending. I must know more. About everything. Gosh.

There is so much I want to say about the plot of this book. So many spoilers. But I'm not going to mention any of them. This is a book about Gemma and Talan. It's filled with magic and danger. All of the twists. So many secrets. So much pain too. But also hope and love. And I adored every part of this book. I so loved how Gemma and Talan fit together. I loved reading about Gemma and her sisters together. And oh, I did love the ending. But gosh. There are so many things I need answers to. I must have the next book now.

I have seen that there are people who were struggling with this book. And did not love it. And I will say that I somewhat get that. Because this book was a monster to read. It was very full of different types of magic and so many twists kept happening. It was hard to keep up with. But. I loved it. I loved the twists and the different kinds of everything. I loved the writing and I loved the very messed up main character. So, yes. I suppose that this book will not be for everyone. But if you are like me, you are going to love it.

But yes. There were parts of the book that I had some issues with too. But there was nothing that I hated. There was nothing that I wish had been cut out of the book. I loved how everything went together. I wish Gemma had been less of a selfish stuck-up girl at the beginning. But she got better. And I loved her back then too, ha. Of course, what I loved most about her was her pain. I loved that she wasn't perfect, despite pretending to be so to others. I loved that there was no way of easily fixing the broken parts of her. Sigh.

A Crown of Ivy and Glass was just as perfectly incredible as I knew it would be. Full of magic, romance and curses. Full of pain and passion and hope. The sisterly love between the three of them was amazing and I loved it so. The steamy romance was the most I have read in books before and I very much loved it. I know the next two books will be about Farrin and Mara. And I can't wait to know more about them, eee. I do hope there might be some Gemma point of view too. Fingers crossed. I must know more of this world.

I want to say the biggest thank you to Martina at Sourcebooks International for sending me a print ARC of this most beautiful book to read and review early. I shall treasure it forever. It means the most to me and I am honestly just so thrilled to own this one as well. My Claire collection is complete. And it is what brings me most joy. Of course, I have pre-ordered a whole bunch of copies of the finished book, haha. You need this book in your life too. If you love books of magic and twists and secrets you are going to love this one.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday #598

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The original heroes from The Lightning Thief are reunited for their biggest challenge yet: getting Percy to college when the gods are standing in his way.

After saving the world multiple times, Percy Jackson is hoping to have a normal senior year. Unfortunately, the gods aren’t quite done with him. Percy will have to fulfill three quests in order to get the necessary three letters of recommendation from Mount Olympus for college.

The first quest is to help Zeus’s cup-bearer retrieve his goblet before it falls into the wrong hands. Can Percy, Grover, and Annabeth find it in time?

Readers new to Percy Jackson and fans who have been awaiting this reunion for more than a decade will delight equally in this latest hilarious take on Greek mythology.

Format: 256 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: September 26, 2023 by Disney Hyperion
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon

Eeee. I am all kinds of excited about this book :D I know, I'm behind on the Percy Jackson books. But I did read the original five. And the next four. I just took a break after that. Oops. But I'm re-reading one day, hopefully sometime soon. And I just cannot wait for a new short book about Percy and Annabeth. <3 Sigh. Hoping for some more romance, ha :) But either way, excited for this beauty. I'm going to love it :)
What are you waiting for on this awaited Wednesday?

Saturday, April 1, 2023

In My Mailbox #595

This have been a pretty crazy week. Busy and exhausting and oh. I hurt fucking everywhere. But it has been a good week too. I'm just hurting and tired and gah. I just want my health to be better. Hmph. But yeah. I got some aaaamazing mail this week, eee :D So I'm thrilled about that. <3 And waiting on more awesome pop figures next week, oops :) Oh, and I of course forgot two books when taking my photo, so had to share two photos. Rude, haha. Anyway. This week was a hospital visit, only a short appointment, but was gone the entire day for shopping and swimming and oh, it ruined me. I still hurt all over. Sigh. But it was good. Just exhausting. My body just feels heavy. I'm hoping it gets better soon. Fingers crossed :) New posts. I shared my review of What Stays Buried :) This week I'm waiting on The Piper's Promise :) Oh. I got my most wanted book. A Crown of Ivy and Glass, eee. Reading it now :D Hope you are well. <3

A Door in the Dark. This is a new to me author, and I'm hoping that I will love this book :) Seems great.
A Crown of Ivy and Glass. Oh. My gosh. EEEEE! My most precious, most wanted, ARC is here :D AHH! Thank you so much to Martina at sourcebooks international for sending this to me. You are the best. <3 I'm reading it right now. And I am loving it so so much. Sigh. It is perfection. Look how stunning it looks.
Stranger Things stickers. Bought these while away, and I just adore the stickers. A whole bunch of them.
Funko Europe. Yeah. Another order, ha :D And waiting on one more. Oops. Just. So many new specials, eee :D Sigh. Love the Snagglepuss soda, ha. Pink kitty. <3 Tried more mystery mini, no new ones. Aw.

Cursed. My Fairyloot special edition arrived at last :D Eee! It is so gorgeous. Love the silver edges. Sigh.
A Tempest at Sea. I must catch up to this series soon; two books behind :) Love these books so so much.

More Instagram photos here. <3