
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Review: What Stays Buried by Suzanne Young

This was a book I had to read once I saw that stunning cover. And read that it was a middle grade story about ghosts. Which I always love. I'm giving this book four stars, as I enjoyed it a lot. I did not love it, as I had a few small issues, but oh. It was a great book and I'm glad that I read this one. It was a story full of heart.

I shall not write too much in this review of mine, as the book was short and fast and easy to read. But it still had so much going on. Every part of it was exciting and I always wanted to know more. And I do wish it had been longer, as there were still more things I wanted to know about these adorable characters and this world.

This book tells the story of Calista and of her family. Callie turns thirteen years old in just one week. A day that she's dreading, as she will then stop seeing the dead. Which she has been able to do since she was around seven years. This ability have been in her family forever, being able to see and speak to ghosts. She is not ready to let it go, because that means losing her dad and her grandma. Both dead, both still in her house, where only she can see them. But things are changing. She has a little sister, Molly. Only six, but soon able to see ghosts too. I loved how this ability to see ghosts were just like a normal thing in this family. How they seemed to love it. For the most part. It was from her father's side of the family, this ability. So her mom was a little left out.

And this was something that I found to be pretty heartbreaking. This book is a lot about grief. Callie's dad died two years ago. Her mom and sister have been grieving for him. But she has not, as he is still there for her. And this seemed like a difficult thing in the family, though Callie did not really see it at first. I wish she had a better connection with her mom, that she didn't keep so many secrets from her. I wanted her to include her more. Sigh. But I did love their scenes together. And I adored her little sister. Molly was sweet.

This is a ghost story. And like any good ghost story, there must be a bad spirit. This was the Tall Lady. I did like reading about her and knowing her story. But I felt like she was not done that well, should have been more scary and more creepy. Sure, this book had some scary moments, some sad ones. But I felt like they were too few of them and I kind of wanted more destruction and evil from this villain. Ha. But still. Also, well. I knew from the beginning where the kids were, and none got it. What. Made no sense, haha.

This is a story about kids going missing. And Calista trying to figure out what happened to them, using her abilities. It's about her sister seeing a ghostly woman that Callie cannot see. One that does not feel right. And so it was a story about Callie trying to save these boys, if they were still alive. I liked learning about the mystery of it all. Wish there had been more, and more details. But it was good enough. I liked her growing friendship with Wyland. Though wish they had more scenes together, as I adored him a lot.

What Stays Buried was an excellent ghost story. I liked all the family scenes and how Callie just wanted the ghost of her father and grandma to stay, she did not want them to go. Even though I liked this book a whole lot, I also did not love it. I did not connect with the writing, as I found it a bit annoying at times. And I found the ending to be a little too happy, with the missing kids. I guess I'm too used to darkness, ha. But there was a sad ending too, and I liked that. Overall, I'm glad I read this story. I think you will like this too.

Goodreads - The Book Depository - Blackwells - Amazon

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