
Saturday, March 18, 2023

In My Mailbox #593

Not even sure how time is moving so fast lately. Gosh. It's almost May; almost birthday time, and vacation time, ahhh :D Can't wait. More about that at a later date. It's also almost April, which is taking up outdoor spa bath time, haha. I cannot wait for it. So so excited. Sigh. And so needed. But, yeah. Winter needs to go a little more away first. Which it does not seem like it will yet. How rude. But I did put up all my Easter ornaments/decorations this week :D Eeee. I love it so. And ahh. I read a book this week too :D A big one. I'm happy about that, especially since I loved it so much. Sigh. Hoping to start a new book soon. Fingers crossed. I'm just fully exhausted these days. Which sucks. But I'm still doing okay, somewhat :) This week I'm waiting on Greymist Fair :D And I shared my review of Lore. <3 I hope you are all doing well lately :)

A Day of Fallen Night. Oh. Oops. Waterstones edition. I have the other one; reading one day. Huuuge.
What Stays Buried. I'm hoping to read this stunning new middle grade book soon :D Sounds awesome.
Rule of Wolves. New US paperback edition has come out :) I need to read this newer series soonish. <3
Easter Chicken. Eee. Isn't this easter plush just too adorable? :D Ha! I love it. I love all my decorations.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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