
Saturday, December 10, 2022

In My Mailbox #579

Oh. This past week have gone by so fast. I spent the first part of the week waiting for my newest amiibo cards to arrive, ha :) Got them, and at last got the final cards I needed to complete my collection. <3 I am so excited :D Eee! This week I have played a bunch of pokemon violet. And oh gosh, I love it so so much. Sigh. So much to do, though, ha :) I sadly have not started reading anything yet, as I am not sure what to read next. Hmm. Want something easy and fast. Hopefully deciding soon. I love this Christmas month so much. <3 And so I'm just also trying not to do anything, ha :) But ah. This week was also medicine week. And it sucked. Still feel exhausted. But hoping it will pass shortly. I have done a bunch this week, which is why it feels like it has gone by so fast too. Too much, haha. But enough updates for now :) I'm doing good enough. This week I'm waiting on The Sun and the Star :D Hope you're all doing well. Happy Holidays :D

Cursed. Got the AUS paperback edition :D Of course I had to buy this version too, haha. It is so pretty. <3
Saint. So far behind on books by Adrienne. Oops. But I'm still buying them all, so I'm ready to catch up :)
Animal Crossing amiibo cards. Oops. Got my final batch of cards :D And I got the final two I was missing! EEE! At last :D My collection is complete. <3 Gosh. I am so so happy. Sigh. I love these cards the most.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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