
Monday, November 7, 2022

Review: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

This is the book I have read more than any other. For the twelfth time now. It is my most favorite story. The book I love more than any other. And I still do not tire of reading this. I still do not find a single part of it boring. I still look forward to all my favorite parts, which are many. Finishing this book still brings me so much joy.

Will do my best to write a short review. Just sharing my love for this story. Reading about Puck and Sean again was simply the best. I love them beyond words. I love them together so much. And their story is the best. This whole book is incredible. I can't truly believe that I still love it just as much, every time I read it.

But I do. With my whole heart. I was not able to re-read it last year, and I still regret that. It had now been two years since my last read. But this was still my twelfth read of it. Oh, how badly I love it. And I will be reading it again and again. It is a book I will always love. It makes me so happy. Maggie is an amazing writer. I have loved all books I have read by her, but nothing is as good as The Scorpio Races. Nothing ever will be. Unless she finally writes a sequel, eee. I know. This book ends so well. There does not need to be more. But I want more. There is still so many things I want to know. And I honestly just want to read about Puck and Sean being together and being in love and being with Corr and Dove. And more of Finn and Holly too. I want all of it.

Only sharing my love for this book this time. Not sharing any of the plot. If you have not read this book, still, shame on you. It is most precious and must be adored by all. It is impossible to not fall in love with Puck and Sean. And their whole lives. It makes me so happy to read about Puck. She is so brave and loving and I just love her to pieces. She's grumpy and oh so lovely. I love her brother Finn. He is still the most adorable. Their barn cat Puffin too. I am still mad at Gabe, despite understanding him too. Hmph.

This book is deadly and heartbreaking. It is full of sad moments. Full of things that make me angry. Like Mutt. And his father. But it is also full of hope and love and family. Full of Puck and Sean getting to know each other. Falling in love, in their quiet way. It is most lovely and I love them together so much. Best love story, despite being so little of it. I love how the book ends with the races. It was so epic. I love how Puck have the three sisters in her life. They are awesome. I loved meeting Holly. Love all of them. Sean most.

It is easy for me to say that I love this book. That I love this story more than anything. And yet, honestly, it should not really have been a book for me. I don't even like horses. They have never been an animal for me. And yet. In this book, I love them. Well, I love Corr and Dove. But they are also not what makes this book for me. Sean and Puck do. Their bravery. Their love. How they love their horses, despite how very different they are. The Scorpio Races is everything. And I love it the very most. And I hope you love it too.

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