
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Review: Cursed by Marissa Meyer

This final book ruined me. It was the rudest. Every kind of perfect too. Such an amazing second book. Giving this one five stars, of course. I do wish there had been a little more at the ending, that it had been a bit longer. But oh, this book was incredible. I loved every moment of it, even when my heart was fully broken. Hmph.

I do not know where to begin with this review of mine. Feeling a little out of words. Cursed ruined me. How rude. It was exciting from beginning to end, and I could not stop reading the last few hundred pages. As always, the writing was completely stunning and I was fully lost in this world. This most terrible world created.

There was so much happening in this final book. So much going on. So many new things to learn, secrets to know. And I loved it so very much. Though my heart may be broken for such a long time now. As there were so so many bad things happening. With Serilda. With everyone around them too. It was so heartbreaking to read about how the Erlking kept hunting for creatures. How he treated them. It was so sad to read about all the ghosts too, that he kept. Especially the five small children. Shudders. But they made the best of it. And I loved the happy scenes with Serilda and the kids. It was pretty adorable. They did not deserve their fate at all. But I will say that I very much loved what happened to them later on. Felt that it was written so well and so good.

I will do my best to not write too much about the plot of this second book. Will share only a little. Probably. It takes place a little after Gilded. Serilda is now a special type of spirit, just like Gild. Cursed to this castle for all of time. And also pregnant. But not feeling this herself, as she is not attached to her body anymore. And that was truly the saddest thing to read about. Oh. Wait. One thing I very much did not like. How she did not tell Gild the truth, that he was the father, for such a long time. And let him believe otherwise. Sobs.

And yet I understood it, of course. But oh gosh, it was painful. So very painful, to go so long and have her not telling him the truth. Shudders. Yet, there was so much else going on. There wasn't really much time to think about it at all. There was hunting of the beasts. Waiting on the full moons. Time moved pretty fast in this book, as most of the plot could only happen every four weeks. I didn't mind. It was such an exciting story. Also, I truly hated the Erlking. Hmph. He was the most evil. I did like learning more about him, still.

But oh. Gild and Serilda spent so little time together in this book. That truly hurt my heart. They had the best romance. And I loved them together so very much. I just wish we had gotten to see more of them actually being together. Sigh. But they were together, of course. And their moments with each other was the best. And oh, the story of Gild and his family was still the very worst thing. So rude. So evil. And so very sad. He deserved the happiest of endings. I wish it had been possible to change the past, though.

I shall not share too much more about this book. It was too exciting and I loved it so. It was so evil and it ruined me. Yet it was hopeful too and I had to know how it all ended. I loved getting to know more about Serilda and her god gift of story telling. We got to know more about her mother too and I loved that. This book was so painful but so good. Full of evil twists. But happy too. There was a whole scene with the god of death that I loved very much. So sad, so great. I could write so much more of this book, but I shall not.

I can't help but share some of my spoiler thoughts. I must put it down or I might go a little insane. I loved this book with all my heart. Truly. But there was this one thing I was not happy about. And that still hurts me. Gild and Serilda spent so much of this book away from each other. And Serilda never got to feel the baby in her body. That was so rude. Sobs. And I am heartbroken about it. It fit the story, of course. But my poor heart. I wanted more at the end, more happiness. Even just one page more of Gild and Serilda. Oh.

But even so. This duology was truly the very best. Full of heartbreak and despair. But some hope and love too. Full of magic and danger. I loved every part of it, eee. It was so exciting and thrilling at all times. It had so many dark and heartbreaking moments. But the final battle, of sorts, at the ending was amazing. I loved how it all ended. Yes, I wanted more at the very end, but what happened before that was so good. Can't wait for Marissa to write more fairy tales. She has the best books. Gilded and Cursed was magical.


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