
Saturday, August 13, 2022

In My Mailbox #562

Ack. Another week gone by, and I have not started reading my next read yet. Gosh. But hopefully very shortly. Just been so busy and feel like I don't have time for anything. Gah. I have been busy re-watching Stranger Things with my nephew, his first time. <3 But finally on the final episode, ha :) I love it so much, though. Just. Exhausted. I have been sleeping like shit since I started my medicine again, now about two months ago. I have not had an easy night since then. And it feels a bit like torture. Having to wake up a million times every night, feeling like I'm not resting at all. It really, really sucks. Ugh. So, yeah. Behind on everything. Still. Hoping it will get better soon. Plus side: I got to meet Veronica Rossi this week :D EEE! She came with a cruiseship to my little town. <3 And I got to hug her and talk to her. Loved it so so much. She's amazing :) This week I'm waiting on Chain of Thorns :D Hope you are all doing well these days. <3

My Imaginary Mary. I am very much behind on these books. Oops. But still buying them :D It's pretty.
Six Crimson Cranes. EEE! Got this book as a gift from Veronica when I met her. <3 So excited for it :)
Beth Revis Swag. Love. New stunning special swag mail from Beth. <3 And it is gorgeous. Love it so.
Pop Figures. Gosh. Two huge ones arrived at the same time. Ahhh. SO big. SO beautiful. Love them. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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