
Saturday, June 25, 2022

In My Mailbox #555

Gosh, this week have been exhausting. Good, but I am so very tired and no energy left at all. Oops. I still need to read. But soon. Hopefully in the next days :) Fingers crossed. I had my hospital visit this week, got more medicine. That went fine, thankfully. Now just waiting for it to work, so I can finally feel better :) Fingers crossed for me, please. <3 Got a bit of gorgeous mail this week too :D Bunch of books, oops. Will be busy these next days and all of next week. We are finally getting a little summer weather and heat. <3 Too excited :) Hope I will be able to read as well. This week I'm waiting on Malice House :) Hope you are all doing okay and staying safe. <3 Seems like there are always bad news these days. Which fully sucks.

Juniper & Thorn. I now own two books by Ava, and hoping to read both very soon. <3 It is so pretty.
Rise of the Vicious Princess. EEE! Finally a new C. J. book :D I am SO excited about this precious. <3
Rise of the School for Good and Evil. Another version of this pretty book, haha :D Reading it soonish.
Skyborn: Sparrow Rising. Of course I had to buy this paperback edition too, haha. Such a good book :)
The Ever Never Handbook. Two copies, of course. LOVE this new cover, eee. It looks so very epic. <3
Pop Figures. A couple new ones bought while out of town :) So love the DNA one from Jurassic, haha.
Animal Crossing. More Amiibo figures bought, from Amazon Japan. <3 They are just simply gorgeous.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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