
Saturday, June 18, 2022

In My Mailbox #554

Another week gone by. And gone by so fast too. How rude. I have not had a good week. I am always exhausted. And so very behind on everything. I have no energy at all, so I'm not getting anything done. My health is worse than ever, which really, really sucks. And so I need to start medicine again, got an appointment for next week already. I wanted a longer break, but not possible, as all of me hurts so badly. So yeah. Medicine soon, and hoping that will make me much better. Fingers crossed. I got gorgeous mail this week, though, so yay for that :D I just hope I will be able to read again soon, once I feel better again. Oh! I did manage to go see Jurassic World: Dominion yesterday. <3 And I loved it a bunch :) This week I'm waiting on The Dream Runners :D I hope you are all doing well. <3 I'm waiting for summer to return :)

The Midnight Orchestra. I'm very excited for this second book, eee :D As I adored the first one so much.
Rise of the School for Good and Evil. My personalized copy arrived. <3 And the sampler from Alyssa :D
Gilded Swag. EEE! Thank you so much Alyssa for helping me get this pre-order swag. <3 Hugs. Love!
Feather and Flame. Bought this because I have been a fan of Livia for so many years. It looks awesome.
For the Throne. US and UK editions :D As I have both editions of the first. <3 Hoping to read both soon.
Wretched Waterpark. Still buying all Kiersten books, ha :) Only read a few by her, yet so excited for this.
Mario Strikers. New Mario game for my Nintendo Switch :D Yay! Not a fotball fan, but it looks so great.
Pop Figures. First four are from Funko Nordic, eee. <3 Thank you so so much :D All new, all stunning.
Animal Crossing. Two new Amiibo figures for me :D Love. I'm missing more, but slowly buying them all.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. I have to read the first book by Jessica Khoury! I know I'm going to enjoy it. I hope you can feel better this week and get back your energy.


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