
Saturday, June 4, 2022

In My Mailbox #552

Another week gone by. I finished reading Lightbringer, eee :D In less than a week, ha! I'm proud of that :) Considering it took me three weeks to re-read Kingsbane. Oops. But yeah. I'm dead now. These books killed me. And I need a little healing time. I know what I'm reading next, but first going to spend some time re-watching some movies, haha :) This week we had several days with heat and sun. It was perfection. I spent hours outside and loved it so much. <3 I get tan just sitting outside for a moment, ha, so very tan now :) The sun didn't last too long, as we now have some days with rain. Rude. But still so happy to have had a few days of summer. <3 My health still sucks. Of course I got another cold this week, just a couple of weeks after my last one. Uuugh. But feels like this one is just small, ha, and hopefully almost over with already. Fingers crossed. I'm exhausted. But doing good. Busy with Animal Crossing New Horizons. <3 And pokemon go too :) Especially this weekend, as there is an event. This week I'm waiting on Strike the Zither :D And I shared my review of Lightbringer, eee. <3 I hope you are all doing well and staying safe :)

Pop Figures. A few more pre-orders arrived, ha :D Christmas one ordered last summer. So slow. Cute.
Loungefly. Eee! Isn't this Tigger the cutest thing? :D It's my second backpack. And I love it so very much.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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