
Sunday, May 22, 2022

Review: Queen of the Blazing Throne by Claire Legrand

I have at last read this stunning short story set in the Furyborn world. Meant to be read after Kingsbane, before Lightbringer. Which I have just done. And it was so good. Sigh. Five stars, of course. Only wish it had been longer, to be honest. Will do my best to write a short review, as this was not long. But so good.

This short story tells the story of twelve year old Obritsa. The young new child queen of Kirvaya. We met her first a few times in Kingsbane. And I adored her so then. This time I very much loved her. Sigh. But I'm also so worried that her ending will be brutal. Gosh, I hope not. I'm so still not ready for Lightbringer.

In this story we get to know Obritsa more. And I loved that very much. She is so young. But so very much grown and incredible. She has not had an easy life. And reading about all of that just broke my heart. The way she was brought up from age two. It was not kind. And I hope the person who did all those things to such a young child will have a very painful death. But despite all the cruel things that happened to her, Obritsa was still such a sweet and kind person. Mostly. I truly loved her relationship with her guard, Artem. Nothing romantic, at least not yet. I'm not sure if I ship them or not. I'm thinking yes, though she's still too young. But oh, their love for each other was the best. They are each other's only family. And protect each other very fiercely.

A lot of what happened in this story we already know, from Kingsbane. It is a lot of the same scenes, only told from Obritsa's point of view. But I very much loved that. As this young girl was all kinds of amazing and I adored her so. And I so loved reading a story about her. Wish there had been more. But oh, how I hope her ending is good. Ack. But there were new scenes too. When she went to the north. And those scenes were pretty brutal. Those poor dragons and children. Shudders. I very much need to know more.

Queen of the Blazing Throne was a most excellent short story. And I am so happy that I got to read it at last. I feel like it is a must read in this most wonderful world created by Claire. But oh, now I need to finally start Lightbringer next. And I am not at all ready for it. All the pain and heartbreak to come. Yet all of the hope and love to come as well. I know I will love it the very most. But so nervous, haha. This world is truly the best. And I am certain I could read all the short stories from it. Hoping there might be more, someday.

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