
Saturday, May 7, 2022

In My Mailbox #548

This week have been exhausting. I turned 29 on Tuesday. <3 Which was awesome, ha :) Had a great time with my family, eating good food and cake and got some great presents too. <3 I'm still working on re-reading Kingsbane. I have not read much at all. Ahh! SO behind. Many days I haven't read at all. Sigh. It's so hard. I love the book, of course I do. But reading is so difficult for me these days. Trying my best, but yeah. It's going slow. Sigh. I'm also so goddamn exhausted and hurting and sick these days. It fucking sucks. Everything is trying to kill me lately. Ruuude. I even got a big bump on my goddamn eye this week. Driving me insane. Anyway. Got a bit of pretty mail. <3 Waiting on something amazing, eee. I will manage to finish re-reading Kingsbane this coming week. I have made it over halfway. Just need to make myself pick it up again. Oops. It's finally stopped snowing. Hope it will last. Today was sunny, full of wind, but the snow is melting at last. This week I'm waiting on Juniper & Thorn :) Hope that you are all doing well. <3

The Imagination Chamber. Of course I'm still buying anything from Philip, ha. Reading this one day. <3
Splatoon 2. Got as a birthday gift from my sister :D Eee. Playing it soon; I do think it looks pretty great.
Game & Watch Zelda. I have wanted to buy this for a while, finally did so :) I shall play it.. one day, ha :)
Pop Figures. More orders arrived. <3 Finally got Geralt; gift from my sister :D Love! And more Pokemon.
The Batman. I saw this smaller action figure and just had to get it too, haha :D He is just too cute. Love.

Funko Nordic Birthday Gift. EEE! Thank you so much to Emma at Funko Nordic for sending me this most amazing birthday gift. <3 I am beyond thrilled to me an ambassador for them on Instagram :) It's the best.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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