
Saturday, April 30, 2022

In My Mailbox #547

This have been a long and exhausting week. Gosh. I have read very little of my re-read of Kingsbane, but I'm making progress still :) I'm loving it, of course, but taking forever to read, as I'm never in the mood to read. Oops. We had finally started to get a little spring feeling. A little green grass. Then suddenly snow storms every day and almost a whole goddamn meter of more snow have arrived in the past few days. And colder again too. Very tired of this snow. Hmph. It's eeeverywhere. Will at least last about a week more. Hoping it will stop soon. So rude. Anyway. I did get some pretty mail this week, though, so yay for that :D And waiting on some epic things as well. <3 And oh! It is my birthday on Tuesday :D Eee! I am turning 29. Gosh. So old, haha. But yeah. I'm excited. I always love my birthdays. Presents from family. Good food and cake. I'm excited. <3 This week I'm waiting on Book of Night :) I hope you are all well. <3

The Art of The Batman. I just had to buy this art book, haha :D Because of Robert Pattinson, always.
ExtraOrdinary. I couldn't resist buying this one when I was ordering from Waterstones. Looks awesome.
Real Easy. Finally got to buy the UK edition, with special endpapers via Waterstones. Hope to read soon.
Thornlight. Eee. US paperback edition is out. Of course I needed two copies, for my Claire collection. <3
Pop Figures. Finally got to buy more Pokemon pops, via Amazon :D Love all of these so very much :)
Cat Peach. This figure I just had to buy. She is way too cute. And I almost never see any Peach items.
Plants vs Zombies. Couldn't resist buying this game for my Switch, haha. Used to play it on my phone.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Oh look at that picturesque view! Also that Batman book! <3


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