
Saturday, September 11, 2021

In My Mailbox #514

What. Another week gone by. I'm not even sure where the time is going these days. I still have not read anything. Have read so, so little this year. Which makes me sad. Aw. But need to feel like it too, need to be well enough too. And right now my body is a fucking mess, full of pain and shit. So yeah. I'm not ready to catch up to things yet. Soon, hopefully. This week I watched Nevertheless, on Netflix. And it goddamn killed me. So sweet and adorable and hot. Then so heartbreaking and rude. But a good ending too. So yeah. I'm still broken over it. But it was so good too. I know I will watch it again one day soonish. Oops. But oh, I hope to read again soon. Aw. Plus side, got some gorgeous mail this week :D Eee. Love all my new pop figures. Oops. Too many, ha. And love my books. Sigh. This week I'm waiting on Serendipity. <3 I really do want to make myself read something soon. Ack. Hope you are all doing well and staying safe :)

Divergent Series. This series meant so much to me back then. So of course I bought these new covers :D
Lightbringer. Yesss. Gorgeous paperback editions are here. <3 Bought two, as always :) Must read soon.
The Light in Hidden Places. Couldn't help but buy this paperback version too, as I really liked this book.
Pop Figures. Oh gosh. So many new ones. Oops. I love them all so very much, though :D New cats. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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