
Saturday, September 4, 2021

In My Mailbox #513

I am not certain how it is Saturday once more. Time is moving so fast these days. Gosh. It's already September! Ahh! I have still not read anything. Aw. But have been focused on healing and mostly just sitting still doing nothing, ha. But I'm happy with that too. But I will truly try my hardest this coming week to read a book. I love reading so much. And have read so, so little this year. Aw. But anyway. Healing is going well. Sadly got a whole bunch of other bad things going on, like a huge abscess. But doing better, despite all that, ha. No new books this week, but that is fully okay, as I'm waiting on many these coming weeks. Sigh. Help. But did get some mail at least :) This week I'm waiting on Bravely. <3 Eee! So excited for it. I hope to feel better/more okay this coming week. I hope you are all doing well, and are still safe :)

Aliens. Oops. Another Alien game, haha. This one newer. And hoping that I will end up loving it a bunch.
The Cry. I loved this short series so, so much. Needed to buy it, so I can watch it again soon. Oops. Love.
Pop figures. Finally got to buy Charmander :D SO cute. And eee, that Stitch is very awesome. Love him.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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