
Saturday, August 14, 2021

In My Mailbox #510

This week went by super fast. Gosh. I had planned on reading. That didn't happen. Sigh. Hoping this coming week will go better, haha :) I do want to read. I truly do. I just.. cannot make myself start. Which fully sucks. I'm also still exhausted all the time. Takes enough time to play Animal Crossing each day, haha, and Pokemon GO too :) But I love it so. But yeah, need to read soon too. Plus side, I finally took book photos for instagram this week too, so yay for that :D Bad side, my surgery is just a few days away. Help. I'm so nervous. I don't want it to be painful for ages. Fingers crossed it will go okay. Hoping to be well enough to write an update next week, after I have had my surgery this coming week. Shudders. Plus side, got some great mail this week, eee :D And next week will be even more amazing things. Sigh. I'm beyond excited. This week I'm waiting on Shadow School: Phantoms :) Hope you are all doing good. <3

Heartless Heirs. Eee. I'm excited about this second and final book. <3 Such a huge fan of MarcyKate :)
Graceling UK ARC. Ahh! Thank you Sian for trading this with me :D EEE! It is SO perfect. <3 Love it.
Pop Figures. Oh, help. I am buying too many, haha. Even a huge Stitch. Ahh! But I love them so much :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

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