
Saturday, June 12, 2021

In My Mailbox #501

I got my final Pfizer corona vaccine yesterday :D Eee. I'm glad to be done with that, haha. Feeling a little out of it, but nothing bad yet. So hoping not to get any of those weird side effects from the second shot. Fingers crossed. I also got some gorgeous mail this week. <3 Yay. And had a few doctor visits too, which I'm hoping will help my health. Fingers crossed for that too. And I actually started a new book today :D What even! I thought I might not like it. But I have read a little today, and I'm actually liking it a lot so far. So happy about that. I hope it will stay that way. Also. Huh. I think it was this past week that I watched Sweet Tooth on Netflix. I loved it so very much. And am currently re-watching it with my mom already, haha :) But gosh. Only eight episodes. And worst cliffhanger. I need a season two right away. Rude. Also spent a lot of time outside, as we have had some lovely heat. <3 Now rain for daaays and a little colder. Hmph. Hoping summer will return soon. Only one new blog post. This week I'm waiting on Witchshadow :) My current read is pretty long, but I'm hoping it won't take me too long to read it. I have so many books to read after, and hoping I will actually manage to start them too very fast. Fingers crossed. Hope you are all doing okay and staying safe, as always. <3 I'm so happy to have gotten both vaccine shots at last :)

Curse of the Phoenix. I'm so excited to read this gorgeous book as soon as possible :D I will love it so.
For the Wolf. So very excited about reading this book soonish too :D I'm hoping to love it so very much.
Monstrous Beauty. Omg. I finally own this special ARC. <3 Ahh. Thank you so, so much Beth. <3 Hugs.
The World Between Blinks swag. Eee! Thank you Amie and Ryan :D Love this pre-order swag so much.
Pop Figures. Another Steve Irwin. Sniffs. Love Figaro. <3 And some of the new princesses are here :D
Animal Crossing. EEE! I am SO excited that I bought this from Amazon Japan :D A little expensive, but worth it too. It's gorgeous. All the music on CDs from New Horizons. Stunning artwork too. I love it lots.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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