
Saturday, May 22, 2021

In My Mailbox #498

Another week gone by :) I'm still just watching The Walking Dead. I had seen the first seven seasons. Now on season ten. Almost done. Gosh. But loving it so much, eee. And cannot wait for season eleven this fall. I'm excited. So yeah. I haven't read yet. But I'm waiting until I finish my show :) Which I will be done with this weekend, most likely. Then reading this coming week. I'm excited. Been so so long, again, without reading. The rudest. I got some stunning mail this week too. <3 Lots of awesome. Haven't had the best health, though. Small fever each day. And headaches too. Bad ones. And throat is bad too. Uuugh. Hoping to feel better soon. This week I'm waiting on Strange Creatures :) Hope it will be great. <3 I am feeling pretty weird this week. A little sick. Head is better, but I'm not. Rude. Hoping it will all pass soon. Hmph. Had two sunny days this week, eee :D I hope you are all doing okay and staying safe, though. <3

Realm Breaker. This book is huge. Oops. But it looks gorgeous and I am very much hoping to love it :)
Blade of Secrets. Excited to read this one sometime soonish. <3 Looks awesome and I think I will love it.
Mister Impossible. I know, I am behind on this series. Ahh. But love Maggie. So of course buying them :)
The Midnight Lie. Aaack. New paperback cover :D I don't love changes, but new cover is so pretty. <3
Blade of Secrets bookplate. Eee! Thank you so much Tricia. <3 You are amazing. I love this bookplate.
Pop Figures. Eee. So many new ones this week too. Gosh. Love Godzilla and Kong and my Raya movie ones too. Harley looks amazing. And Malfoy too. And the other four I got from Funko Nordic as a gift :D Eee! Thank you so so very much. <3 I love Squirtle the most. Wallace and Gromit too. Sigh. Goten's cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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